You brought him in and nursed him back to health and thanks to your love and care, Frosty had become your best companion.

You'd often end days snuggling with him on the couch watching old cartoons.

Yes, you were a fan of old school cartoons like Looney Tunes.

They were just fun for you to watch and helped you escape reality for a bit.

You're also a huge fan of the Justice League and superheroes in general.

They were strong, brave and helped others.

They were everything you wanted to be.

One day while driving back home your car broke down over the Metropolis bridge making you repeatedly bonk your face on the horn.

You stepped out and gazed out at the water and your eyes widened when you saw what appeared to be a person drowning.

You don't know what came over you but you immediately jumped in and swam as hard as you could to rescue whoever was drowning.

When you got to them though...turns out it was just a pile of garbage and atop it was an odd wooden mask.

Something about this mask felt strange, the aura it was giving off made you uneasy

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Something about this mask felt strange, the aura it was giving off made you uneasy.

But you couldn't just let it go, something about it made you want to put it on.

So you waited for your car to be towed and when you got back home you put the mask on and it resulted in a rather odd transformation.

So you waited for your car to be towed and when you got back home you put the mask on and it resulted in a rather odd transformation

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Your face was green, you were now in a yellow snazzy suit and hat and you were VERY different when it came to your personality.

You were more confident, more zany and lacked any of your normal inhibitions.

What you did not know was that his mask was a creation of the Norse God of Mischief Loki.

Whoever wore this mask would gain immense Power and lose their well as gain a green face.

The new you decided it was best to hit the town and have some fun.

You were a green and yellow twister of cartoony chaos.

Future Stories, Ideas and Suggestions for anyone to try out if they want part 3Where stories live. Discover now