Ch 2. Mischief, Marriage and Medhasvini

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"Psst! Jiji!", Medhasvini heard a whisper shout. She swiftly turned around, her open hair flying in the wind.

She raised her eyebrows at Subhadra, who was hiding behind a tree in the garden. Subhadra signaled her to follow her but Medha pointed at their mothers picking flowers for the puja just a few feet away. 

"Come fast!", Subhadra whisper-shouted again. Sighing and shaking her head, Kridha followed her anyways.

"Will you tell me where you are taking me?", she asked her for the tenth time, a little out of breath after practically running in the heavy clothes. Keeping up with an excited Subhadra was really not an easy task, the girl really did have springs attached to her feet.

"Here.", Subhadra stopped in front of the kitchen. 

"This is the kitchen.", Medha pointed out. Subhadra looked at her blankly.

"I know."

Medha's frown only deepened with confusion.

"We need you to get some makhan for us.", a voice shouted near her ear, startling her.

Keeping a hand on her chest, she looked at Krishna and Balram.

"No.", she said without hesitation. Her hand automatically went up to her ear, as she unconsciously rubbed it, thinking about what would happen if she got caught again.

"Please...", the three of them looked at her with the best puppy dog eyes they could muster.

Medhasvini rolled her eyes at her dramatic siblings but gave in to their request.

She tip-toed in, so as to not alarm anyone in the kitchen and slowly approached a cook.

" I get a bowl of makhan please?", she asked sweetly, hoping to not raise any doubts.

The cook gave her a knowing smile and said,

"You don't have to ask, Rajkumari. I will get you some right away."

With that he went to get it, leaving Aadya awkwardly standing in front of a big pot of dal with a lot of other cooks and servants looking over at her in confusion. If she caught anyone's eye, she would just smile and give a nod of the head.

"Here you go.", he handed her a bowl.

"Thank you", she was about to walk away with it when she remembered something else and turned around to say it, only for the cook to cut her in between,

"Don't worry, Rajkumari. None of us saw you come in the kitchen."

Now with a look of relief she exited.

"Finally!", Balram exclaimed, rubbing his palms together with excitement.

But Medha  saw Krishna looked disappointed.

"What happened, Kanha?"

"Wo.....I mean.....just a bowl of it?", he questioned, having expected to at least have a pot to himself. But when he saw Medha looking at him in a menacing way, he gulped hard on his saliva.

"But its fine, makhan is makhan.", he chuckled nervously.

"That's what I thought. Now, I do not want to get caught so lets go to my room. We will have this there."

"What is happening here?", Mata Rohini entered Kridha's room, seeing everyone look like deers caught in a headlight.

"No-nothing, Ma. Jiji was ju-just telling us about her experience in kanyakul. But I was about to leave, it time for me to practice my veena.", with that excuse, Subhadra scurried out of the room. Poor girl hated any sort of confrontation.

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