Twelve || Cola

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Of course, Magma and his friends were filled with shock when they witnessed such a thing; Their eyeballs almost popped out! So as a result, they fled in fear as their anger growing.

However, from your perspective, you were still able to see the flowers between Gen's fingers — a magician's technique known as the 'Backpalm'.


You clearly wanted to laugh aloud. But fortunately, Senku immediately intervened by covering your mouth with the palm of his hand.

"I can't with you." He stared blankly, wondering how you could laugh in this situation.

All you could do was give him a glare before biting his palm gently, forcing him to yelp in surprise and let go of you.

"Haha! I won!" You beamed happily, despite the fact that this time it was Senku who was glaring at you.

"It's not even a competition!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever floats your boat, lettuce head." You flashed him a playful wink before turning to face the other again. This time, your tone has shifted to something more serious, "Alright, guys! Let's get to the highest peak!"

"Oh! I know a place!" Chrome's eyes grew wide slightly.

All you did was look proudly at him, 'Of course he knows something.'

Without further ado, the Kingdom of Science climbed a mountain that Chrome had said would be ideal for the task at hand.

Once you all reached the top, Senku and Gen were clearly panting a lot because they're not the physical type. You, on the other hand, remained as thrilled as ever!

"Well, Chrome. I'd say that your ten years of exploration are really paying off now." Senku declared.

"Aw yeah! Pretty incredible, right?" Chrome stretched his right arm to show everyone the magnificent view, "We're on top of the bald mountain!"

With an enthusiastic grin, you put an arm around his shoulder, "A perfect spot to catch lightning, have-it-all. We couldn't ask for a better place!"

Swiftly, you instruct everyone to set up the lightning rod, which they tried to accomplish. Unfortunately, though, the stick you guys were going to use to build the structure was too blunt to cut through the rock.

"The lightning's close now." Senku alerted, "There isn't enough time to build a real scaffolding."

Kohaku frowned with frustration, "If only there were something long that we could stick into the ground..."

As she searched around the mountain, she saw there were two men hiding in a bush; One of them carrying a shining, gleaming gold spear.


It turns out that you saw it too, which caused the two of you to stare at each other with mutual understanding.

When Kinro saw such looks, he instantly cried in desperation, "N-No! Not happening!! This is my spear!"

But before he could complain any further, Kohaku kicked the spear out of his grasp in one swift motion before it landed perfectly on top of your palms. Immediately, you grabbed the iron from Senku's hand and tied it around the spear's tip using a rope from one of your inventory pockets around your waist.

As soon as it was tied, you ran straight to the center, brought the spear down with both hands, and pierced the ground with it.

You then looked up to see lightning coming straight towards you, leading you to leap out of the way to avoid being struck, and precisely landed next to Senku with a smirk.

ALL ROLE [Ishigami Senku x Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz