I try to control the storm brewing inside me and take another swig of my whiskey.

Stay calm, Vincent. Kum-ba-ya.

"Excuse me," the man next to me speaks to me again.

I look at him with annoyance. "Yes?"

"Are you Vincent Sterling?"

I look at him with surprise. "Yes. I'm sorry, do I know you?"

The man extends his hand, a small, understanding smile on his face. "No, you don't know me. My name is Michael Thompson. I work in the finance sector, and your company has been on my radar for a while now. I couldn't help but overhear your name. It's not every day you find yourself sitting next to someone as influential as yourself."

I take his hand, my annoyance cooling off slightly with the recognition. "I see," I say, still wary. "And to what do I owe the pleasure of this... unexpected recognition?"

Michael retracts his hand, the smile still playing on his lips. "Pure coincidence, I assure you. But now that we've crossed paths, I wonder if you might be open to discussing potential synergies between our businesses? I've been looking into expanding my portfolio, and I believe there could be a beneficial partnership to explore."

His proposal catches me off guard, but I consider it. "That sounds interesting," I admit, my business instinct kicking in. "Though this is hardly the place for such discussions."

"Of course," Michael agrees, nodding. "Perhaps we can have dinner together once we land?."

I consider his offer for a moment, then nod. "Send me your contact details, and we'll set something up."

The rest of the flight passes unevenly, and before I know it, we're descending toward the airport. I turn my phone back on to a barrage of missed calls and messages.

But nothing from Sarah.

I grunt in annoyance. Why did I think she would message me? She is probably doing a happy dance around the house now that I am gone.

I check into my hotel and lie down to get some rest. As I lie there, the silence weighing heavy, my thoughts drift back to Sarah.

I imagine the soft warmth of her body next to mine, the sweet floral scent of her hair, the brush of her lips on my cheek. An ache settles in my chest.

Fuck it, I will just call her. 

I dial her number once more, and this time she answers.

"Hi," her soft voice floats through my phone.

"Sarah," I grunt. "Why didn't you answer my phone call earlier?"

"When?" she asks.

"A couple of hours ago. I was in the plane and..."

"Oh, that was you?" Sarah chirps. "I saw the unknown number and thought it was a telemarketer or something." She giggles.

"Well, next time, take the damn call," I say, my irritation escalating.

"Or what?" she retorts, her voice turning cold.

I grit my teeth. "Where are you, anyway?"

"None of your business," she shoots back.

I clench the phone tighter. "You will tell me where the hell you are."

"Maybe I am with Jared," she says slyly, "having a jolly ole time."

I sit there, fuming. Jared again! What the actual fuck?!

Jared better have his damn hands to himself, or so help me...I will kill him. Slowly.

"I am kidding, Vincent, gosh. I can hear you breathing hard. You sound like you are about to have a heart attack, old man," Sarah says in a teasing tone.

"Just tell me where you are, Sarah," I growl through gritted teeth.

"I'm at home," she responds with a dramatic sigh. "Reading a book. Being all by my lonesome. And I miss you."

I stop in my tracks. "You miss me?"

"As if! That was total sarcasm. Why would I ever miss someone as obnoxious as you?" Sarah snorts.

With a seductive tone, I whisper, "Because no one else can make you feel as good as I do."

She scoffs at me over the phone, but I can hear a slight tremor in her voice. "Oh, please," she says with disdain.

"You know you want me, Sarah." I retort, feeling my swagger return. "Last night was so incredible you couldn't even stay awake." I let out a low laugh, knowing this would irk her.

Sarah's voice tightens. "That's because I was exhausted from trying to fight you off the whole time," she says defensively.

I chuckle. "Sure, little one."

She doesn't respond for a moment, and I wonder if she has hung up on me. But then her voice comes through again, subdued this time. "You are the worst."

I grin. "You want me inside again, don't you, Sarah?"

She says nothing, all I hear is her soft breathing.

"Come on, don't hold back. Do you enjoy having me inside you?" I whisper, my voice low and husky.

"Ye-yes, but..."

"But what? Tell me," I coax, hungry for every thought that crosses her mind.

"I've only ever been with you, Vincent. So if I want you now, it's because you've ruined me for anyone else," she confesses, her words igniting a fire within me. 

At last, some truth. Her response pleases me, and I can feel my body responding in a physical way. Damn...I'm incredibly aroused, even though she is miles away from me.

Forced to Wed: A Billionaire's DemandUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum