Chapter 9

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"Shazam!" Billy yelled, turning into his superhero self, "Now, let's try this again," the villain zaps at Billy, who dodges, "Or try that again!"

"Billy, look out!" I yelled, noticing that the evil guy was about to shoot at Billy with laser eyes.

"Laser eyes! Guys, he's got laser eyes!" Billy exclaimed.

"Dude what the hell! His powers are so much better than yours!" I said back.

"Too bad your aim sucks balls!" Billy yelled before getting shot at again, but it was closer that time.

"I think you spoke too soon-"

"I know that, Jordyn!!" Billy yelled, snapping at me.

"There has to be something we're missing!" Freddy said to me.

"Freddy, tell me everything you know about any comic book!"

"Well, to sum it up, they're like magazines but with more drawings and pictures and don't try and scam you and sell you stuff-"

"Helpful stuff, Freddy!" I snapped.

"Well, you said everything!"

"Never mind, just shut up and let me think."

"You got it."

I paced for a moment, trying to come up with some sort of a solution. I suddenly hear Eugene's voice, but I try to block him out so I can think.

"since when did they start fighting like an old married couple?" Eugene asks.

"Joreddy is happening!" Darla says, and I can see Freddy get visibly confused. I'm still trying to think, so I chose to ignore it.

"What?" Pedro asks the young girl.

"Joreddy! Or Fredyn. It's their ship name!"

"You're such a child," Eugene replies to her.

"You're barely even older than me!"

"Guys! Shush!" I finally snapped.

After another minute of silence, I hear Darla ask me, "Are you done thinking yet?"

"Course not, can't you smell smoke?" Eugene replies snarkily, and I can see Freddy hit him out of annoyance.

I suddenly gasped, getting everyone's attention."The eye! That's his power matrix."

"His what-what?"

"Seriously, don't you read? When the demon guys leave his eye, he loses his powers. I think they're supposed to be based on the seven deadly sins, so he always tries to keep one of them in there, so his powers continue to flow through him. That's why he needs Billy's powers!"

"That's why the Batarang hurt him. He was weakened by having them all go back to their statues in that cave! Jordyn, you're gorgeous!"

"What?" I asked, even though I heard him crystal clear.

"I-I mean, you're a genius!" He said, stepping away, and going off to distract the demons. "Hey! Over here!"

"Wait. What are you doing?" Mary asks.

"Trust me. Divide and conquer," Freddy answered.

"We separate the Sins from the eye, and he's just an old man," I finished.

And I guess our plan worked because now the Sins chased us.

This is like one of those "So that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation" moments, except you already know how I ended up here, so this is more or less the part that would bring us back to the crazy flashback, except it's the present now. part.

As I continue to run and distract the sins, one of them corners me, which causes my plan to backfire horribly. The thing looked me up and down and licked its really weird-looking lips with its long ugly ass tongue, so one could only assume this was Lust. The sin picked me up and took me somewhere, I'm not even sure where. It was really dark and scary. I just hoped everyone else was okay.

I just hope Freddy was okay.

~~~~Freddy POV~~~~

Being kidnapped by a bunch of evil demons was not how I wanted to spend my Christmas break.

As I looked around at all my siblings, I got really worried.

She wasn't here.

"Playtime's over, boy. Your friends can't help you anymore," The supervillain said.

Ya know, despite the circumstances, this was really cool. I mean, he's a real supervillain!

"Where's Jordyn?" I yell over my foster siblings' cries for help.

"Hmm. Four words," He said, as the sins snarled, "kill the cripple's girlfriend."

We all gasp and beg for him not to.

"Take me instead!" Mary yelled. Ya know, was there something going on between them that I just didn't know about?

"What'd you do to her!?" I screamed.

"Where's Jordyn!?" I heard Eugene yell. I wasn't really paying attention to who said what. All I could think of was, is she okay?

"I swear to god, Baldy, you touch a hair on her perfect head-" I began to yell before Billy cut me off.


~~~~Jordyn POV~~~~

It. Was. Dark.

I literally couldn't see shit.

"Hello? Mary? Freddy? Billy? Samantha?"

I then laughed at myself in my delirious state because I had been left alone, in the dark, and I'm over exhausted.

"I don't- I don't even know a Samantha!"

I sighed before realizing I really needed to get out of here.

~~~~Freddy POV~~~~

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Darla hit one of the sins. I could tell she thought she was badass, so I sent her a small smile.

"Billy, there's one more demon guy in his eye! You gotta just rip it out of his face hole! It's where he gets his power. Then you gotta find Jordyn!" Honestly, Jordyn was my main priority, but I know she can handle herself, so I had to tell Billy about the eye thing.

"Reach for it," the villain said, "I dare you. Take it and find the girl. See if you can save her." Billy kneeled on the ground, which kinda pissed me off. There's no way he was just giving up like that. "Wise decision. Hands on the staff."

"Billy, don't do this. Billy!" I heard Pedro yell.

"Billy," Mary said, looking at him as if to tell him to stop.

"Don't do it, Billy!" Eugene exclaimed.

"Don't!" I finally yelled, finding the words- well, word.

Billy then tricked the old guy, and he disappeared. I didn't exactly catch what happened to him, it all happened too fast. Soon enough, the Sins had disappeared as well.

Billy slams the staff down in front of us before saying, "All hands on deck." I squealed a little, hoping that what I was hoping would happen was about to happen! As we all put our hands on the staff, Billy continues, "Say my name."

I was confused but, okay?

"Billy!" We all exclaimed.

"No, not my name. Say the name that I say to turn into this guy." That made more sense.



Yes, I'm alive. I haven't been the one to update in a while cause I was too lazy to plug in my computer BUT I'M BACK!


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