Chapter 3: Hidden Talents

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The J's went inside the studio and looked around at all the instruments

Mister J: Alright. Guess we should pick our instruments.

Juno: To be honest, I'm fine with whatever.

J: I'm not.

The others notice J sitting at a drum set as she starts playing a drum solo

Juice: Well, as long as it's a guitar I'm fine

Mister J hands her an electric guitar

Mister J: How about this?

Juice: Except for electric.

Juice subtly reaches for a bass guitar and starts playing

Mister J: Hmmmm. I wonder what I'll play.

He hears a bass play and turns around to see Juice playing

Mister J: *chuckles* Juice, you keep surprising me every day.

Juice: I learned while doing a performance with my classmates. They wanted me to learn the bass. I now realize they wanted me to play it so nobody can hear me.

Mister J (a little dumbfounded): Oh.

Juice (slowly going insane): Don't worry... they'll get what's coming to them...

Mister J (trying to change the subject): Well, we will make sure to give you some solos and make you heard. Juno, have you decid- Juno?

Mister J sees Juno writing something in a notebook and playing notes on a keyboard

Mister J: Hey, Juno. What are you writing?

Juno: Well, since we're a band, I thought we could use a songwriter.

Mister J: And I think you'd make a great songwriter, Juno! And keyboardist.

Juno: Yeah, I guess I could be.

Mister J: Alright. Now time for my instrument.

Mister J looks around and finds a cool green guitar with an orange strap and begins strumming it.

Mister J: Wow! I love this!

Juno: We need a name though.

The J's think for a little bit.

Mister J: *gasps* I got it! The Jazzy J Team!

Juice: That's so stupid it actually works.

Juno: I guess we could use that.

J: It has my name in it, so I like it.

Mister J: Perfect. Alright, girls, you all ready to rock?

They all stand on a mini stage with Mister J standing in the center holding his guitar, Juno standing on the right with her keyboard, J in the back sitting behind a drum set, and Juice standing on the left holding her bass guitar

Juno, J, and Juice: Yeah!

Mister J: Alright! Let's do this! J, count us down!

J: 1, 2 , 3, 4!

They start playing surprisingly well

Juice (after the performance ends): Wow. That was actually... kind of good.

Mister J: Told you. We've got this.

J: And besides we'll probably beat all the other talent show performers.

Juno: Definitely. Look at the list. Everyone is a singer.

They all laugh

Mister J (wiping a tear from his eye): Where's their originality?

J: Really says a lot about these people.

Juice: Yeah. And where's their sad backstories?

They all continue laughing until they hear the door open. They turn around. Mister J is confused, but Juno, J, and Juice look worried

Juno, J, and Juice: Uh oh...

The Jazzy J Team (old version/abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now