Chapter 1

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Tw: self harm, strong language, mentions of abusive and drug usage

"So many souls that lost control.
Where did they fall?
Into the deep, what do they seek?
Where did they fall?" ~ Under the water by Aurora
"Fuck", Angel said as he stood in front of his mirror. "I can't fucking take this anymore", he cried and slammed his fist on the mirror. He raised his head to look at himself.

"I HATE YOU", he yelled and grabbed one of his makeup brushes. The spider broke it and used the sharp end to cut one of his arms. "You. Fucking. Bitch", he said as he continued cutting. "Worthless whore", Angel repeated the words of Valentino and went on to his other arm, tears and blood dripping on the floor.

When he had finished, he looked at himself again and shocked at what he saw. He fell back and hid in the corner of his room, hugging his knees to his chest and crying. His blood now all over the violett carpet floor.

In the meantime, Skylar was sitting on the sofa of the lobby, reading a book to Charlie, who was listening very carefully. "A shit we have to wait for this scene", Skylar said as she stopped reading. Charlie furrowed her brows. "Why?"
"I promised Angel I'd wait for him. It's his favourite scene and he can quote it word by word", she chuckled and Charlie joined her. "He makes quite a show of it"

"That sounds like him", Charlie laughed. "I'll go look for him", Skylar said and stood up from the sofa. She went upstairs and knocked on Angel's door. "Hey dipshit. We're reading your favourite scene and I thought you might want to hear it."

She didn't get an answer.

"Angel?", the demon asked again, now a little more concerned. And again there was no answer. "Angel, are you okay?".


"Okay this is getting scary now, I'm coming in.", Skylar said and opened the door. She heard a quiet sobbing coming from a dark corner of the room. "Angel?", she asked again and turned on the light. "Go away", Angel cried and Skylar could finally look at him. And she couldn't believe what she saw.

He was sitting in his own blood and shaking like he had never seen him before. "Oh Angel", Skylar said and rushed to the spider. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.", she said and grabbed a towel to stop the bleeding on his arm, his sobbing only got louder. At this point she didn't care anymore if she would get soaked in blood and wrapped Angel up in her arms and softly stroked his hair. "Shhh", she said and softly rocked him back and forth. "You're okay, darling, I'm here."

She felt Angel only slightly relax in her arms as she softly rocked him. When a few minutes later his sobbing had almost stopped, Skylar carefully removed her arms from around the spider. "Hey Ange, I will get up now to find supplies for your arms.", she said and the demon nodded quietly. She went into Angel's bathroom and came back with a first aid kit. She poured some alcohol on his wounds and he winced. "Sorry, love", Skylar said and went to clean his wounds.

She wrapped them up in a bandage and threw away the bloodied towels. When she came back, Angel was sitting in his previous position, hugging his knees to his chest and his face buried between them. Skylar smiled softly and sat down next to him. "May I touch your back?", Skylar softly asked. Angel looked up form his knees in disbelief, not being used to being asked for permission. But when he saw the sincerity in her eyes, he nodded. Skylar offered him another soft smile and went to softy stroke his back.

This very simple action made Angel tear up again and he nearly jumped into her arms. Skylar went to stroke his hair again and she felt Angel's two sets of arms wrap around her waist as he buried his face in her chest. The demoness quietly hummed a melody to calm his nerves and let him know that she was still there. She knew what dissociation could do to someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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