Chapter 2

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I couldn't take my eyes off the entrance of the restaurant, anticipating my parent's arrival. I felt like I was at a party I wasn't invited to, an yet this was my own engagement party. Even my own fiancé made no effort to acknowledge my existence as I sat right next to him. His father, the only other person here who knew English, did make an attempt to engage in small talk with me. In my desperation to fit in, I indulged in telling him about my travels and settling into the hotel comfortably.

"Ah, well I'm glad. It is a very nice hotel." Hyunwoo smiled at me "Well, you will have one more night to enjoy it. After you two are married tomorrow, I will make arrangements for your things to be moved into Jihoon's penthouse."

"What?" I asked with a tight smile.

"Did your father not tell you? You and Jihoon will be living together." he said as he sipped his drink.

"No, he did not." My head felt stiff as I shook it, keeping my smile plastered over my lips "I was under the impression I would have my own place."

"No, no, don't be silly." he chuckled "You two will be married! Of course you'll be living under the same roof. Don't worry, though. Jihoon had a beautiful penthouse. You will have your own room as well. There's no need for you to have your own separate homes."

"Oh, great." I said, grabbing my drink as my throat went dry. My father made this seem like it was all going to be on paper and not an actual "marriage." It wouldn't be so bad too if my fiancé didn't look at me as if I was the scum on his shoe. I turned my head and looked at Jihoon, keeping that forced smile across my lips. "I appreciate that you're willing to let me live with you. I'm sure this is a bit change for you, but I will try and make your life just as easy living under the same roof as you."

Jihoon was focused on his conversation over the meal. He'd give my comments little attention as he ate, his voice giving off a monotone vibe as he replied to me in plain English.

"It's not a problem." he said in a dismissive tone, then continued speaking in Korean with the others at his table. The conversation between us two was not smooth or natural. His expression was stoic, his tone still bored and emotionless. This seemed to displease Hyunwoo. He cleared his throat, his dark eyes burned into his son with disapproval. Jihoon seemed unbothered, perhaps even used to this kind of look.

"Tell us more about yourself, Rose. Jihoon has been asking so much about you since the marriage was decided." He said, glaring at Jihoon for being so rude.

"Oh, well, let's see." I said, thinking for a moment "I graduated college at New York University for art just a few years ago now."

His father smiled when I began to speak. There was more life and expression on his face, and he looked genuinely interested in getting to know me, which brought an extreme amount of relief for me since my own parents still have yet to arrive.

Jihoon however didn't appear pleased. A frown formed on his face as he watched our interaction, clearly displeased by the attention I was getting from his family.

"What do you do with the degree in art?" Jihoon asked me, far from impressed about this.

"Well, I majored in Fine Arts, just to have some sort of education."

"Do you work?"

" If I'm being honest, I've never really worked." I admitted sheepishly "I really enjoy just panting and selling my pieces. So to give back to the community I do charity work and host fundraisers."

He nodded, giving me a simple "Ah. So you rely on your family for your income?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he gave me a look over. Was he seemingly curious, or perhaps just judging me? It was difficult to tell with his expressionless stare.

"Um, well," I nervously laughed, feeling my face go hot with shame as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat "I am extremely lucky and privileged that they are about to provide for me in that way, and I am able to live my life freely."

"Jihoon, don't ask such personal questions." Hyunwoo snapped at him. Jihoon paid no mind to him, simply carrying on after taking a bite of his food.

"Yes, you are certainly privileged." he spoke in a matter of fact way, as if it was a given.

When I was first told about Jihoon, this was not how I expected him to be. I felt stupefied by his cold and icy demeanor, to the point where I had to think back and wonder if there was something I'd said or done to have offended him. As far as I knew, I had been polite as I could be. So what was his problem?

"My father said you work for your father." I blurted out, desperate to change the topic.

Jihoon shrugged "Yes, I run the company my father has built." His expression was stoic, as if the topic didn't matter to him.

I nearly grabbed him by the shoulders and shook them, shout in his face to make more of an effort to get to know me, or call this off. But all I could do was sit there, pretend that I was perfectly fine with such dismissive answers while I poured my heart out on whatever I did with my life. Yet my fiancé sat in silence as he ate, and I stared at my glass of water, wishing I was small enough to drown in it.

His mother had turned their attention back over to the two of us now, seeming eager to see how you two were getting along. Hyunwoo slowly shook his head with disappointment at her.

My phone finally buzzed, and I nearly threw my fork to the side to answer. It was a text from my mother, finally.

'Will land in hour. Will have to skip dinner'

I let out a heavy sigh, just wanting this day to be over with.

"It's rude to text at the dinner table." Jihoon said before takineg a bite of his food. I gave him a dark glare, shoving my phone back in my purse.

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