"We were so ungrateful, oh my god," she said after chewing, "I owe her a formal apology after we get out of here."

I chuckled softly, watching her continue to eat before sighing, "if she were here, she'd turn this continent upside down to find you."

I blinked at her, the sudden phrase catching me off guard. I know she would. I somehow think she would have flown here by now if she wasn't away right now. Emmaline told me everything that happened when she called our parents, she told me that she thinks they drew Mum out on purpose. One supreme against them is way less dangerous than two, three if Nicolas left and came here.

And even when Juliette was the strongest one of them all, Mum was different. She's viewed as this person you simply can't dare to cross. Juliette is feared, because she would catch and kill you if she had to, but Mum would probably make you beg her to just kill you and wouldn't grant you that wish if she knew they kidnapped us.

I tried to imagine her reaction if she knew they hurt me, if she knew they got me in a life of death situation again. She'd probably torture them till they can't beg anymore. She's not the only one though. Aaron Warner would not leave these guys live this down. Even if they did what Emmaline said, this man would hunt them down. I know it. He wouldn't just torture them, he'd probably do everything he could to make them not die then redo the process from the start until he gets bored.

"Your dad will not leave us too," I fired back, "and your mum. They won't just give in, I know it. Plus, do you really think Dad would let them live it down if they did? He's probably giving them a pep talk right now."

"Yeah," she scoffed, "I can just imagine him yelling at them to stop wallowing like babies who lost their favorite toys and to get to work only because he spent eighteen years on raising you, it can't simply go to waste."

I smiled, the statement sounding just like him. I miss him. It's been one day, but I could really use one of his jokes right now. I could use one of his hugs. I really wish Mum was here, at least he wouldn't be alone. At least that when I make it back, I can just throw myself into her arms and tell her not to leave me again.

I shook my head, dragging myself out of my thoughts by looking at Emmaline as she shifted her attention to something else, seeing her look towards where the vent is and sigh.

"She's probably still asleep," I reassured. We tried calling on Jett when we woke up, but both Atlas and her didn't answer, maybe it was so early, I don't even know.

"That or one of them finally killed the other," she replied before narrowing her eyes at me when I leaned my head up, "how long to do you think it would take for one of them to snap?"

"I'd give them about," I paused, looking at the invisible watch on my wrist, "about three hours ago."

She scoffed with a roll of her eyes before taking the last bite, if it didn't taste weird, how much faster would she have finished that?

"It's her birthday today," Emmaline pushed the plate to the side, tugging on her sleeves, "I wanted to be the first one to tell her happy birthday."

"Don't worry, I doubt Atlas will beat you to it," I took her hand, rubbing my thumb on her knuckles as I went on, "plus, Jett literally sleeps like the dead, she'd probably wake up after her birthday is over."

She gave me a soft smile that didn't reach her eyes, looking back in front if her at the door. I watched her shoulders fall, her eyes going distant. This is the first time in my life I've seen Emmaline like that. Sure, she's been upset and down before, she's overthought about literally what color to paint her nails for a simple occasion like Christmas or Thanksgiving, but this was something else.

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