Undead love.

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Valentina was the epitome of grace and beauty, with her long straight blonde hair that flowed like a river down her back. She exuded confidence in everything she did, but deep inside, she was an introverted and shy person who preferred to keep to herself. One day, while wandering around the palace grounds lost in thought, Valentina stumbled upon a ghostly figure.

Theo was unlike anyone she had ever met before. He had brown hair that shone like copper under the sun and his fashion sense was fancy yet subtle. Despite his good looks, he carried himself with a calm demeanor that intrigued Valentina. But there was something else about Theo that made him stand out - he wasn't alive.

Despite being dead for centuries now, Theo still looked as handsome as ever. The two began talking every day until they fell deeply in love with each other's personalities. They knew their love would be impossible because of Theo's ghostly form but couldn't resist being together.

Their romance blossomed slowly but surely; they shared intimate moments on moonlit nights at the palace gardens where no one could see them except for themselves and nature surrounding them.

One night when things were getting steamy between them on top of a garden bench surrounded by blooming roses, Theo whispered into Valentina's ear: "I never imagined I could feel this way again."

Valentina turned towards him smiling warmly "Why is it so hard to believe? You're amazing!"

Theo chuckled softly "Well because I'm not really alive."

Valentina leaned forward pressing her lips against his neck whispering “You are more alive than any living man I’ve known.”

They both laughed gently at this knowing how true it really is.

But just when everything seemed perfect between them tragedy struck – an evil spirit invaded the palace and started causing chaos everywhere. The situation became dire as everyone tried their best to fight off the spirit, but it was too strong.

Theo knew he had to do something to protect Valentina and the palace. He gathered all his strength and fought off the spirit with all his might. In doing so, he saved everyone but sacrificed himself in the process.

Valentina mourned for days on end, knowing that she could never be with Theo again. But as she stood at Theo's grave one day crying her heart out a faint voice echoed through the air: "I'll always love you."

She looked up in shock and saw Theo's ghostly figure standing before her once more. Their love had transcended even death itself, proving that true love knows no bounds or limits.

Their story may have ended for now but their journey of love will continue beyond.

Part 2?!!

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