3 First day of School Part 1

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Ada P.O.V.

It was the afternoon and I was sitting on a hay bale in the middle of the field watching the horses. I'd been here for almost a week and I'd managed to make some progress with Aaron's horse, Cocoa. She was still skittish around me but I could feel her relaxing more each day. The sun was shining down on me, warming my skin and casting long shadows across the grass. It was peaceful, just me and the horses, and for a moment, I could almost forget about everything else.

"Dinners done!" I hear from my waki talkie. Since it was such a big ranch everyone had one.

I get up and brush off the hay from my jeans. As I walk back to the house, I see Aaron and the others already sitting down at the table. Aaron sees me and waves me over. "Come on, dinner's getting cold."

I take my seat and look at the steaming plate in front of me. It's chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans. My stomach grumbles in appreciation. "It smells delicious."

Aaron smiles. "So how's it going with Cocoa?" he asks, spearing a green bean with his fork.

I take a bite of the chicken fried steak and chew thoughtfully before answering. "She's still a bit skittish around me, but I think she's starting to get used to my scent. I just need to keep working with her and maybe she'll warm up to me more."

The conversation at the table turns to other things, like the upcoming rodeo and the latest gossip around town. I listen intently, trying to learn as much as I can about this new life I'm starting. As I eat, I can't help but feel a sense of belonging here.

After dinner, we all go our separate ways. "Alexis Aaron want's you in his office." Lucas announces.

I glance over at Aaron, who gives me a small nod. I swallow hard and follow him to his office. It's a cozy little room, with a large window that overlooks the stables. There's a desk, a couple of chairs, and bookshelves filled with books on horse training and ranching. Aaron closes the door behind us and sits down at his desk. "So how are you liking it here?"

I take a deep breath and look around the room, trying to find the right words. "It's... different. It's nice, I mean. Everyone's been really nice to me, and I really like the horses. He smiles, "I'm glad. Are you nervous about school tomorrow?"

I shrug. "A little, but I'm more nervous about fitting in with everyone. I've never been in a new school this late in the year before."

Aaron nods, understanding. "It can be tough, but you'll make friends. Kids are pretty nice here. And who knows, maybe you'll make some good friends in your class. And plus you'll have Brock and Brayden."

I can't help but smile at the mention of my brothers. Everyone of them were so welcoming.

"Thanks, Aaron. I'm just glad I get to spend some time with you too. You've always been my favorite." I say with a grin.

Aaron laughs. "Oh, come on, kid. You don't have to suck up to me." He reaches over and pats me on the shoulder. "Seriously though, if you ever need anything, you can always come to me. And don't worry about fitting in. You'll do just fine."

I nod, feeling a little relieved. "Alright kiddo its about time you head up to bed."

I get up and give him a hug. "Thanks for everything, Aaron."

He pats me on the back. "No problem, kid. Now get some rest. You've got a big day tomorrow."


Aarons P.OV.


I watch as my new little sister exists the room.

She's going to fit in just fine. I sigh getting up as well. I walk over to the others getting a beer from the fridge. "She is such a good kid with everything she's been through." Matt said catching my attention. "You got that right. I just hope it stays that way."

We continue to talk about other things as the night goes on. Eventually I retire to my room, climbing into bed and drifting off to sleep with thoughts of my new little sister and the big journey ahead for yall of us.

The next morning, I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock and roll out of bed. I quickly get dressed and head downstairs for breakfast. The house smells amazing, and I know it's because Lucas is cooking pankcakes.

"Morning sleepy head." Brayden says with a grin as I sit down at the table. "Morning, Brayden." I yawn, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "You ready for your first day of school?" I ask Ada who is barley staying awake on the couch.

"Yeah, I guess." She mumbles, then glances up at me.

I give her a reassuring smile. "It's going to be fine. You're going to meet new people, make new friends, and learn new things." Brayden shakes his head, "No offense brother but I would not want to talk about school with her right now."

I laugh, "I guess you're right. Come eat sweetheart." I call out. She groans standing up slowly.

Lucas places a plate of pancakes in front of her and sits down next to her. "Its chocolate chip pancakes."

Ada looks at him with wide eyes. "Really?" she says sarcastically. Brayden and Brock both laugh out loud. I glare at them to shut up before turning to her, "Ada Mae." I scold her. She rolls her eyes and digs in. I glance at her but don't do anything.

After breakfast, everyone gathers their things and heads outside. I get my keys following Ada outside. "See you at school sis." Brock says getting into his truck with Brayden behind.

"Okay, bye." She says waving, and then gets into the car with me.

We pull out of the driveway and head towards the school. The car is silent until we arrive. "Brock and Brayden will pick you up from your class at the end of the day." I tell her. She nods giving me a quick hug.

"Alright, have fun today, and remember if you need anything just call me." I say, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She blushes and I can't help but smile.

She gets out of the car, shoulders back, and walks into the school with determination. As I pull away, I feel a mixture of pride and apprehension in my chest. I hope she'll be okay, but I know she'll do great.

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