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You reached it and where walking down the stairs to get to the door. Toys bloody and battered hung from a celling you couldn't see, high up all around you, you couldn't help but think about who did this and why they did it.

You opened the door, the other side was completely different, it looked like the inside of a house if not a mansion, you looked around as you wondered.

Walking down the long hall. You stumbled upon a little area, a dresser Infront of a door on the left side, some wooded diamond pattern half wall protruding out of the right wall and stoping in the middle of the room.

And finally a doll house, with some toys scattered on the floor. You continued, two doors, and what seemed to be a pink, purple and blue lights spinning around the room. A case with a Poppy doll inside with her eyes closed.

You approached and opened the door of the case and she opened her eyes as the lights flickered before turning off. You heard a voice.

"You opened my case..."

The lights turned back on and she was gone, great, you walked out of the room and the dresser was no longer Infront of the door.

"Oh what the hell??? How strong is this doll!?!?"

You opened the door, going through you saw the normal white background with red and blue checkered floors and single wavey lines on the walls that were either red or blue.

You sighed

"Back to this bullshit."

You walked through the door, another door was in-between a two way hall directly in front of you. You went to open it but it was locked. You sighed.

"Of course, now it's my problemo, why'd then even lock the door!?!?"

You walked down the left hall as the right one was blocked off by a automatic gate. You stumbled apon a ditch and looked around.


You used your grabpack pack to swing across, landi g with a wobble on the other side and being greatful you didn't fall and die. Then again you already were, considering that you almost died multiple times with Huggy Wuggy alone.

You moved some boxes Infront of a door and got a key, then you headed back and used your grabpack to get across the ditch again. You went back to the door which had "Ludwig's Office" written above it in a gold plate.

This wasn't really Ludwig's office- well it was but it wasn't the main one but it still counts, you looked around for a bit, finding a old file on the desk in the process.

"How did I not see this the first time? It literally isn't hidden at all!?"

You read it, it was about a experiment on a rat that, using a substance made from Poppy flowers they tried to bring it back to life. It failed but the wondered if the used something bigger if it was work. You sighed.

"Which is when all hell breaks lose, anywho, I should get goin."

You left and went to go you the hand scanner to open the door on the right side, using your grabpack you let the machine scan the hands.

Except it wouldn't scarn... I scowled.

"God damnit, no power. You gotta be fucking shiting me."

You huffed and went back into Ludwig's Office, you knew of a vent that leads to a power room so you went. After falling out of the vent with a yell and busting your ass because you thought it'd be a good idea to slide down.

You go to start the power but you need to remove the cover in front of the power source first. You pulled it off revealing Poppy, which scared the shit outta you because you weren't expecting her.

She was standing in front of the other power box.

"Oh, uh... Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, here."

She moved out of the way, giving you a clear shot of the power box. Again using your grabpack to transfer electricity to the poles and then the other power box. Poppy smiled.

"Hm, I just wanted to thank you for freeing me... I was in there for so long, thank you... I'd like to pay you back, there's a train station nearby, it needs a code, and I have it, we're gonna get out of here."

You nodded and stood in place.

"Got it.."

You stood there for a solid minute, Poppy chuckled.

"As soon as you get on up here."

Your mouth made a 'o' shape, and you felt like a dumbass, you grabbed the steal bar with caution tape strips and used it to pull yourself up and go back through the vents.

You came out and looked to the much smaller vent to your right at the front of the room, Poppy calls you with a smile and a chuckle.

"Hey, I'm up here! I see yooouu, hmhmhm! I should be able to follow you through the vents, this way."

You exit the room, the grabpack hand scanners on the right side now working, allowing you access, as you walked to the big metal door in front you sent out your right hand to open the red hand scanner but it was caught and pulled off by someone.

A chuckle followed after, dread building from the bottom of your soul.

"Ah shit... Mommy Long Legs..."

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