Season 1 A New Hero

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It's been almost four months since the passing of My adopted father Ben Parker and every day I look at my adoptive mother face I can see the pain in her eyes and from that I can see how deeply she's hurting then there's my cousin Peter Parker who's also suffering not only did he lost his parents but know he lost his uncle and it's all my fault if only I listen if only I stop that thief then maybe he would still be alive now. But i carry on for those two they were the only family I ever had they treated me like I was actually part of the family and I'll be damn if I lose one of them so now I'm out here fighting crime making sure the streets are safe so that no one else will have to lose another family member like me or Pete did and I sewer I will use my powers to help everyone even if it's for the little things. Like crossing the road or getting a cat out the tree even catching a floating balloon because its like Ben use to say "with great power comes great responsibility" because I am the amazing spectacular friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

On Top of a Building looking down at the beautiful yet dangerous city he calls home Bludheaven it wasn't as big as Gotham City, but man weren't they similar in building structure plus Bludheaven has its own vigilantes looking out for them Nightwing and Daredevil tho he's mostly a myth but still although Nightwing been doing the Vigilante work longer than Spider-Man has but hey maybe one day they can team up who knows. Mason took in a deep breath and fell forward he starts to feel the winds rush to his face as he starts to get closer and closer to the ground, he stuck out his left hand and shot out a white web like substance to a nearby building which it connects to, and he used that line to swing across the ground and back into the air he proceeds to repeat this process. As he was swinging throughout the city, he got a call from his cousin Peter who was the first person he talked about his new spider powers after the death of Ben and since then Peter has always been his "Guy in the chair" and he couldn't ask for a better person then him Mason quickly lands on top of a billboard and answers the call.

 As he was swinging throughout the city, he got a call from his cousin Peter who was the first person he talked about his new spider powers after the death of Ben and since then Peter has always been his "Guy in the chair" and he couldn't ask for ...

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Spider-Man: wassup Pete?

[Peter]: hey I managed to hack into the Police crime database and is now able to see every crime that happens from here all the way to Gotham.

Spider-Man: you do know that's illegal right?

[Peter]: Pft like what you been doing for the past four months isn't illegal.

Spider-Man: case of point so what you got?

[Peter]: there seems to be a break in happening near you.

Spider-Man: I'm on my way there now thanks Pete.

Spider-Man would jump off the building and swing to where the break in was happening at when he got there he lands on the side of the building and watches a group of thugs failing to break into a local clothing store it was amusing he almost felt bad for them well almost.

Spider-Man: you know it would probably be easier for you guys if you used the front entrance.

The group of thugs quickly turn around to see who was there they were quit tense thinking it was going to be Nightwing but relax when they realized it was a nobody, so they relax thinking he was going to be an easy person to kill.

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