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"N-no, of course not." She hesitated before asking, "Are you keeping an eye on me, or something?"

For an instant, something flared in his eyes, but it was gone so quickly, Tanya thought she imagined it.

He murmured, "Why would you think so?"

She shrugged, feeling ridiculous. Why did she think so, anyway?

It was because she got the feeling that Ilario was suspicious of her. As if she was committing some crime he was hoping to catch. She couldn't understand why she felt that way.

It is my overactive imagination at work again!

They finished the rest of the breakfast in silence. Then she dutifully sat at the corner of his huge mahogany desk and read the paper. Ninety percent of the jargon went over her head and she found herself enquiring him every time she got stuck somewhere. He answered every time, explaining in a way she was able to grasp.

"You aren't getting annoyed by my interruptions, are you?" She asked folding the voluminous papers close at last.

He regarded her seriously, "I want you to interrupt me. It lets me know that you are really working, and not just sitting there pretending."

Whoa! He really thinks I am a slacker!

Well, why wouldn't he? I don't have good grades and I really did get an interview on his brother's recommendation.

In spite of her logical argument with herself, some of the hurt must have shown on her face because his expression turned gentle.

"Tanya, while I do think formal education is the stepping stone towards success and makes it easier to open a lot of doors, I don't think it is the sole requirement to be successful in life. The world is full of successful and famous people who are drop outs or lack conventional degrees."

She lowered her eyes, still hurt.

He is equating me with drop outs.

"Do you know how Orlanes Banking started?"


"My great grandfather Antonio Tomaso Orlanes started it in Florence a century ago. He was a local tradesman. He would source fabrics to the local garment shops in the beginning, gradually becoming exclusive vendor for any type of fabrics for the fashion power houses.

However, he wasn't content with that. He partnered up with a few of his friends who can be described as moneylenders or loan sharks if you will, and started his own money lending business, with lower interest rates and longer repayment periods available at the market, thus marking the initiation of Orlanes Banking. Many small business which were apprehensive to approach the big money lenders became his customers. He was sympathetic towards their plight and instead of burdening the tradesmen with piling up interests, he set up small payments, sometimes, weekly, sometimes daily even. Do you know what this concept is known as now?"

Tanya nodded, she was fascinated by the history lessons she was receiving out of the blue. "Micro financing."

"Right." He gave her a approving nod. "Soon, Orlanes Banking became the major shareholder of the debt capital of most of the businesses involved in the fashion industry, starting from the local farmers looking to expand their production, to vendors vying for the contracts."

He paused to take a sip of water, then continued on, "Eventually, the helm of the bank was passed on to his very capable grand-daughter, Natalia Orlanes who married the shipping magnet Anatol De Russo. It was during her time, that Orlanes Banking really flourished."

"Very interesting."

He looked at her. "Yes, it is. Isn't it? Today's history lecture concludes here. Get started on those emails now."

Without giving her a second glance, Ilario became engrossed in the laptop in front of him.

Taken aback by his abrupt dismissal, Tanya focused on the task at hand.

They worked steadily side by side till lunch, him occasionally checking up on her. Tanya admitted to herself that although she found the whole situation weird and often found Ilario overbearing, this hand holding was working better than she hoped for. In one morning she'd learnt more than she had in the last five months.

They took their lunch together again at the same table, after which he suggested she take a break. So Tanya decided to go meet her Tony.

Her old boss of course knew of the new arrangement. If he found it odd, he kept it to himself, discussing only about the assignment she had hurriedly turned in last week. As she took her leave, Tony advised, "Learn all you can from Ilario. It is a rare opportunity he is giving you."

"It is?"

He nodded. "Yes. That boy has banking in his blood. He has a veritable knowledge of the business. You said you wanted to return home with the experience here, right? So, here is your opportunity. Work hard, assimilate everything he is teaching you. And if you can impress him, you will have your pick of elite jobs with Ilario De Russo's recommendation."

"Thank you, Tony. Thanks for the advice."

"You can come to me anytime too for help, Tanya." Tony smiled as he waved her goodbye.

Edge of Deceptionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें