The Enemy is Out There

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Half a mile off the coast of La Huerta, you steady yourself in a speedboat with Sean and Jake. A raging storm swirls above you. Orange lightning flashes amid sheets of pouring rain and an enormous sea monster rears up from the water directly in front of you.

"Swerve! Swerve!" Jake calls out.

Sean jerks hard on the wheel, just as the sea monster dives towards you, its jaw wide, teeth glistening. You grab the edge of the boat, as Sean swerves out of the path of the beast's diving plunge. The monster slams into the water right where your boat had just been. A huge wave smashes into the side. The sea monster swims out into the water and turns around. In a flash of lightning, you can see the true magnitude of its massive scaled body below the surface.

"We have to run!" You cry out. "Get back to the island!"

"You really think we can outrun this thing?" Sean asks.

Jake scoffs. "The way that thing swims? No way in hell. Besides, I never back down from a good fight. And killing that thing's the only way to get off this island."

Sean nods. "Jake's right. And if we don't stop that thing now, it'll come for our friends next. We gotta do it. For them."

"You're right." You say determinedly. "There's no running. Either that thing goes down... or we do."

The monster dives for another attack. Sean swerves at the last moment, barely dodging it, and the boat shakes and rattles.

"What are we supposed to fight it with?" Sean asks. "Don't suppose anybody's got a giant fish hook."

"I've got this flare gun," Jake looks to the monster. "but it won't make a dent against Nessie over here."

"I'll check in the back and see if I can find something!" You move to the back of the boat. "Just hold that thing off!"

As Sean evades the monster's colossal jaws, you rummage through a chest in the back of the boat. You find some fishing tackle, a gas can, a life jacket, and something else.

"Uh, guys?" You turn around and hold out a large, box like object. They both stare at it wide eyed.

"Is that... what I think it is?" Sean stammers.

Jake nods. "If you think it's a half-kilo of Semtex, then yeah."

"What?" You exclaim.

"You're holding a bomb, Princess."

You gasp. "The boats at the marina... they were all blown up."

Jake nods. "This one must've had a bad detonator. Failed to go off."

Nearby, the monster dives beneath the raging water, orange flickers of lightning pulsing around it. A lightbulb goes off in your head.

"Guys, I have an idea." You look to Sean. "Sean, if we got up close to it, real close, could you put those football skills to use and throw the explosive into the monster's mouth?"

"That's one hell of a long throw at a moving target, but... yeah." Sean nods. "I can do it."

You turn to Jake. "And once the bomb is in, Jake, could you detonate it with a shot from the flare gun?"

"I was the best damn shot in my deployment, in or out of the cockpit." Jake grins. "If anyone can do it, it's me."

Sean looks to you. "Y/N, this has to be the single most insane plan I have heard in my entire life... let's do it!"

The monster emerges a hundred feet away, gearing up for another charge.

"Y/N. Take the wheel." Sean says to you. "Keep the boat steady. Get us up real close and when I give the word, swerve."

Endless SummerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora