Looking through the snowy banks on both sides of me, I recognized the tall mountain of trees I couldn't seem to figure out and the dry streets I couldn't understand.

Headlights surprised me ahead as I shielded my eyes from the burning of the light. It slowed down when it got towards me, I noticed it was a two-door pickup truck a man and a woman was present.

"You need help?" the lady asked with a thick country accent.

I nodded. "Yes... I am lost and trying to find my way to my friends..."

The man nodded to me. "Hop in..."

And of course, I did, I just hope I didn't make a mistake.


Harlem and I took the car and were on our way to Mahagony, it was quiet the whole time in the car. My mind drifted on Rain while Harlem's mind did to, I could hear the rants going on in his head; it started to aggravate me.

Abruptly, my head started to hurt, like a siren was going on in my head. I saw images of Rain then it cut off, it did that for a while. I noticed I lost control of the car, I felt Harlem's arms reach over to take control of the wheel. I held both sides of my temples as I tried to concentrate on Rain, she wasn't focused I felt every single thing she felt. It was like she couldn't control the sudden hunger building up inside of her.


Harlem managed to somehow stop the car, I held a hold on my temples and tried to concentrate more.

I saw her, she wasn't under control. She quickly launched over to a driver and bit his neck.

What the...

"Garrett!" Harlem yelled.

I looked at him and shook my head. "I know where she is."

I put the car in reverse and sped off the opposite way.

She was in Shadow Bay, why was she back there?

Shadow bay is where I grew up, I kind of didn't want to revisit that part of town but I knew I had to. Rain was in so much danger, she didn't need to be wondering off alone.

"Where are we going?" Harlem asked.

I glanced at him then back to the road, I wondered what Rain thought about him. I know I shouldn't pry, but I love her no matter if I like it or not. I knew Harlem had some sort of feelings towards her, I felt like it would be her absolute worst choice to be with him.

My opinion.

"Shadow bay..." I replied.

"Where is that?" he asked

"Not far..." I replied dryly.

For some reason his questions aggravated me, I noticed I've been having a hard time controlling my aggressiveness. That had to be dealt with, before I hurt anyone she loves.

Including Harlem.

"You think she's, okay?" Harlem shuddered.

I looked at him and shook my head. "No... I don't think she's okay... This is the most truthful thing I have ever said since I met you both..."

I looked back to the road and saw a sign ahead, we're almost there.

"How could you say that?" He bit out.

I clenched my jaw, preventing myself from reaching over and ripping his throat out.

"Because its true Harlem..." I gritted out.

Harlem turned back to the road. "Stop!"

I pushed the brakes hard, tires screeching against the road. We came to a halt, when I peered at a two-door truck sitting there in the middle of the road.

I got out of the car and walked up to the truck, maybe she was in this truck. Harlem followed after me and looked just as I was. Blood spilled over the windows and handles, one car door was open, so I peered inside finding two dead bodies, a man and a woman.

"Did she do this?" Harlem said with a surprised look.

"Yes... I most defiantly did..." someone said.

I turned around and Rain stood there, purple eyes piercing into my hazel ones.


"Rain... What did you do?" I asked her surprisingly terrified for some reason.

"I couldn't handle the aching hunger to feed... So, I gave in. I still want to find my dad though, that didn't change anything..." she confessed.

"You're a vampire..." Harlem choked out.

Rain smirked. "Say it... Don't spray it..."

She turned and walked to our stolen car and got in. I looked at Harlem and he shook his head, I was disappointed. I was supposed to stop this from happening.

What if she doesn't have her powers anymore, that would devastate her.

Harlem started to the car, while I still stood there. I was utterly taken aback, she can't be...

A vampire...

She just can't be.

Purple Rain ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now