Chapter 2 - Past

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I feel kind of tired today...

For some reason, I wasn't able to concentrate in class like I used to, sometimes I could feel myself zoning out when sensei was speaking.

(I should've gone to bed early last night...)

Last night, I arrived back at my apartment at around 9 o'clock at night.

Suzuki-san's place was the polar opposite way from my place, I had to walk the distance from here to school plus the extra distance from her house.

In the end, it took almost an hour for me to get back. My body felt weak and tired after the walk back so I went straight into the shower.

After freshening up, I went over to my desk and decided to do some studying before going to sleep.

I went over to my bag to get my notebook out but when I reached into it, I wasn't able to find my notebook inside.

(Ah, I forgot to get it back from Suzuki-san.)

Although I didn't have my notebook to review for the night, I still remembered a few things I had written in my notebook that I wanted to learn more about, so I opened my laptop and got to work.

The time went by as I was studying on my laptop and before I knew it, it was already past 12.

I ended up only being able to get 6-7 hours of sleep since I had to wake up early to get to school on time.

Normally, I would need to get my full 8 hours of sleep to be fully energized but in the case that I get any less, both my body and brain becomes slower than usual.

(I should've gone to bed a little earlier...)

My head was slowly dozing until the sound of the bell woke me up.

''It's break time now, we will continue this after.''

Sensei then walked out of the classroom.

I have nothing to do during breaktime, I guess I'll take this time to take a little nap-.

Then I felt an object lightly tapping on the shoulder of my arm so I looked over to see who it was.

''Here, I forgot to return back your notebook yesterday.''

At this moment, all the students in class were looking in our direction.

''No problem.''

I grabbed the notebook from Suzuki-san's hand and put it back into my bag. After she handed me back my notebook, she turned her back and walked out of the classroom.

Just from that interaction alone, the students began whispering and speculating with each other.

(Great... just when I wanted some peace and quiet.)

The noise in the classroom was too much for me to handle so I went out of the school building to go sit at the benches. Hopefully, it shouldn't be occupied.

Luckily, nobody was there, so I went over to sit at the bench that was underneath a tree.

''Ahh- that's going to be troublesome.''

I rested my back on the back of the bench while looking up onto the tree branches.

There's going to be rumors spreading about us now, and here I thought that she knew what she was doing...

I shut my eyes and let the wind blow through my skin.

(I'm going to need to talk to her about this so she can fix it...)

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