Man, Cupid Really Fucked This One Up [[Maraduer's Era]]

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I jolted awake with my cheek pressed against the ceiling I dropped arse first on the marble floor missing the bed completely.

‘Shit’ I thought sitting up. This really wasn't going away and on top of that I'd slept in it's nearly eight. 
My room was dark and dismal- reflecting the weather out side my black painted French windows. 
 I hated getting up in the mornings, the birds outside chirped away, debating whether to fry their feathery arses I heard a loud bang from downstairs. I stood up and shuffled to my wardrobe, pulling out an old worn deep green and white plaid shirt and a pair of wrecked ripped jeans. Quickly pulling them on I fixed my hair up into a messy bun.

"CASMAR BELLADONNA DEVEREAUX!" I heard my mother screech again

I headed out of my room into the sunless hallway to the staircase

"I'm coming!" I shouted making my way to the bottom, she stormed towards me snapping my wrist in her tight grasp she dragged me down the hallway into the dark Victorian drawing room. She’d even forgot to sneer at my muggle clothes; she despised them but didn't care for me wearing them as long as it wasn't in public. 
 Bewildered I looked around, when I saw a letter on the fireplace with my name scrawled neatly in green ink, I knew instantly whom it was from. 

I looked back to my mother; she folded her arms across her chest still staring at me with cold hard eyes. I walked towards it; a pulse of fear ran through my veins as I lifted it. 
 Basically this was my ticket out of here, away from my parents- well my mother- who wanted me to follow in the so called ''family business'' as a death eater and eventually once I was deemed to be ready I was to rule alongside the arse-ness himself. I hadn't seen my brother in years, as he had no choice, so basically this was going to save my ass. 
 I peeled it open and unfolded the parchment

Dear Casmar Devereaux,We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. We expect your presence on September 1st. We await your owl no later than July 31stYour headmaster Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Minerva McGonagall- deputy headmistress

My breath hitched in my throat as I looked up to my mother

"Well" she demanded frostily waiting for me to reply with her hard dark eyes

I swallowed "I got in"

"Well then" she said finally, her eyes still locked in a silent glare

"Best go see your father" she apparated from the room. 
 I sighed deeply and left the room walking down more corridors until I knocked lightly on my father’s study

"Hello" I heard him through the thick mahogany door
 I opened the heavy door with a shove. 
 He turned and looked up, and smiled. 

"Casmar" he greeted warmly "What can I do for you sweetheart?"

Unlike what you'd expect after that with my mother I actually in fact adored my father, Fiyero Devereaux was everything that my mother lacked in. He didn't have that stone hard glare or spiteful mouth. 

"I got my letter” I stated, closing the door behind me walking over towards him.

Looking over his shoulder, I could see he was marking some parchments when an all too familiar name caught my eye. Mathias. 

"You know your friend is quite good at this" my father murmured. A small smile crept across my face. "Although the boy can be stupid he has his moments"

Man, Cupid Really Fucked This One Up [[Maraduer's Era]]Where stories live. Discover now