[Chapter 7]

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After their first concert the other members started acting strange again, leaving Rania clueless.

Why did they kind of took a break from being strange during preparation for 5-star and the first concert and now they are acting so weird again.

Rania is sitting in their dorm, watching Changbin at his desk. After a while he looks up. "Why are you staring? Am I that handsome?"

Rania just roles her eyes. "Just wondering why y'all are acting so weird, that it's almost scary..."

Changbin sighs. "If you knew, you'd probably call all of us creeps." At that, Rania tilts her head. "What do you mean? Aren't you guys creeps already?"


Rania lifts one eyebrow in irony. "Of course." He looks back at his computer. "Just let me alone okay?"

-a few hours later-

Rania walks backstage, letting herself fall on the couch while Hyunjin shoots her one of his judging looks she already got used to while Chan calmly tosses his shirt to the side making her cover her eyes in shock.

She sighs and sits up properly. "Guys. We need to talk." They all look at her in surprise, Jisung being the first to talk. "Did we do something?"

Rania tilts her head. "Not really... It's just that you guys are acting strange around me lately... May I know why? Is it because of me? Did I do something? You guys can't keep ignoring the tension in this room, you know?"

"It's nothing."

"Don't worry."

"It's not your fault."

"We're just stressed."


Rania roles her eyes. "Did anyone ever tell you that you guys are bad liars?" Hyunjin's look changes from shock to anger, while the others just look down and pretend to not exist.

"I am talking to you guys. Even tho you hate me, I'd be really nice if you answered my question."

Chan looks up, right into her eyes. "First of all. Not all of us hate you. Second of all. Your name isn't Maya is it?"

Her face looses color immediately but she tries to hide how uncomfortable she is. "How come you think that?"

He smirks seeing her white face and nervous shifting. "We all have our Sources. Rania. Now spit it out. Why are you here? Are you some kind of spy?"

Rania lets out a chuckle. "Do I seriously look like one? Never thought someone would think I'm a spy."

This time Changbin speaks up. "We're serious. JYP never before got someone on stage this fast. What made him do this? What are his intentions? And what are yours?"

She sighs. "My literal only intention is making money. As soon as I made enough I'll get another job.

This dancing and singing and rapping and work is so tiring and draining. I hope this comeback brings enough that I can quit and leave."

Changbin looks at her confused. "You became an Idol for... ... ...money? Did I get that right?"

Rania just nods. "What about that? I'll leave this industry as soon as possible. It also raises the chance that he finds me."

Changbin and Chan perk up at that. "Who do you mean 'he'?" She instantly regrets her choice of words. "Forget it."

-a few hours later-

Only she, Jisung and Jeongin are at the dorm. She is in her room while they are in the living room playing Wii. The others went shopping. At least they said that.

Rania is going over her lines, trying to mentally prepare herself for the concert in the evening. The last one in Seoul. Then they'd fly to Japan, the first two concerts in Fukuoka, then 2 concerts in Nagoya and the last 2 concerts in Osaka.

Then they'd fly back to Korea, and perform more 2 concerts in Seoul before flying back to Japan to have 2 last concerts in Tokyo.
(A/N I took this information from Wikipedia so Idk if that's true.)

She sighs. The set lists are different for each city and they'd be traveling so much, Seungmin and Hyunjin making it even more stressed as they always came last minute.

Suddenly loud crying pulls her out of her thoughs. She peaks out of her room to see Jeongin cry in Jisung's arms. "Dadaaa! Wher if Dadaaa?!" He sobs loudly while Rania tries to understand the situation.

Jisung notices her and his face immediately gets covered by an expression of pure horror. Rania's eyes widen. Is she not supposed to see this?

"Dadaaaa! I wan' dada to dif me cuddwes!" Jeongin sobs. That second the pieces in her brain click together as she mouths a quite. "Does he have a pacifier?" to Jisung. He just nods towards the short chest of drawers where the TV is standing on.

Rania immediately walks over to the drawers, opening them one by one. In one of the drawers she finds 2 pacifiers, shooting Jisung a questioning look. "The pink one."

She quickly takes it and walks to the kitchen of the dorm to wash it. Then she returns to Jisung who immediately stuffs it into Jeongin's mouth to calm him.

It helps and Jisung quickly takes his phone out while Jeongin peacefully suckles on the paci. "Hey Chan. We've got into a little accident."

Hey loves!

I've got into a little writers block but I'll try to keep updating even tho the chapters might get a little shorter.

Anyways thank you so much for reading and supporting this book. Don't forget to vote for this chapter and to voice your opinion in the comment section.

Thank you Sunshines🥰

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