"Sorry, I- I'm not that hungry. Do you think I could go upstairs?" I say, hoping he says yes.

"Actually, Vince and I would like to speak with you. Alone." He adds. I gulp, and a wave of fear washes over me. "You're not in trouble," he says softly, "We just want to talk to you." 

No. I know what this is about. I notice that across from me, Kaden has gotten very quiet, and his knuckles are almost white while gripping his knife. He told them. Do all of my brothers know? I'm pathetic. I can't do this. I try to push my chair back and walk away, but Ryker puts his arm behind it, trapping me in place. 

 All of a sudden the air feels thick, and I can't breathe very well. I can barely hear my voice through all the thoughts in my head. 

"Breathe, Bambina," Elijah says, standing up from his seat to come and rub circles on my back. I shakily take a breath, and try not to act as if my biggest secrets are about to be unveiled infront of the people who I would never want to find out.

When I look up at Elijah standing over me, his eyes are pointed towards Kaden.

 "Her right wrist." He says, cold eyes brushing over my face. 

I shove my arm behind my back. Elijah sighs. "Serafina, please. We just want to make sure you're okay. Please don't be difficult."

I reluctantly pull my arm out. "I'm really clumsy." I mumble as I lift up my sleeve.

Elijah sucks in a breath, and from beside me I can feel Ryker stiffen. The bruise glares harshly in the bright lights of our dining room.

 "Bullshit." Kaden spits out angrily. 

"I- I fell one day. While... walking home from school." Was that convincing? I turn towards Vince, whose clear blue eyes have turned the dangerous shade of a stormy ocean. 

"Elijah, vieni con me." He says in a language I don't understand. His voice is clear and powerful, ringing throughout our kitchen which at the moment is so tense it feels like jello.

(Elijah, come with me.)

As he follows Vince, he forces me with him, placing a gentle yet strong hand on the small of my back. We are guided towards the living room, where Elijah and I sit on a couch, with Vince facing opposite towards us on an armchair. The ringing in my ears is quieter now, without all of my brothers eyes on me. 

In his chair, Vince leans forward and rests a hand on his knee. He looks so powerful and intimidating, I can't help but look away. This man is my brother. He could also snap me within seconds if he wanted to.

"Serafina." He says, "Look at me."

I hesitantly reach his gaze, trying to read his expression. It's as hard to do as swimming in a pot of boiling water would be.

"Serafina, I need you to tell me how you got that bruise." 

No. I just look down at the unicorn slippers on my feet. Don't make me explain.

Elijah looks toward his brother. It's obvious that the rest of the family has some brotherly bond in which I do not share. "Sappiamo entrambi che non parlera. Non cosi, almeno." He says, as they exchange glances. Despite the words coming out of their lips, it seems as if they're also communicating with their eyes.

"Bene. Falla palare." He says, leaning back into his seat.

Elijah turns his gaze towards me. "Hey doll, I just need to ask you a couple of questions and statements." He speaks, barely above a whisper. I don't meet his gaze. "You don't need to respond, okay? Just shake your head yes or no."

I nod, ever so slightly, yet my eyes don't waver from my feet. 

"You didn't get that bruise because your clumsy."

I shake my head. 

"Someone has been hurting you."

I nod, and Vince leans forward in his chair again. 

"It was your step father, Trevor."

My body seizes up when I hear his name, and I lift my head. I gulp, and nod slowly. When I reach Elijah's patient eyes, my cheeks burn in shame. Warm, hot tears start dripping down my face, and I start to cry heaving sobs. I furiously try to wipe away my tears, turning away from my brothers - two men who look like they haven't shed a tear since the day they were born. They think I'm pathetic, I'm sure. They're probably disappointed in the fact that they're related to me.

Vince stands up from his chair, and walks around the coffee table, crouching down to reach my height - even so, he is still taller than me. He so gently takes my frenetic hands and places them at my sides. 

"Crying doesn't make you weak, Serafina." He say's, still holding my hands. I take slow breaths to try and calm myself down, and meet Vince's eyes. 

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" He ask's, his authoritative tone only having soothed the littlest amount. I look down at my chest and nod, cheeks flaming red once again. He looks towards Elijah.

"I'm just going to need you to lay down for me, sweetie. Is that okay?" He asks. I give a weak nod in response, and lay down on the couch on my back. 

"Alright, I'm going to pull up your shirt now bambina. Just so I can see your injuries. I need to make sure you okay." I squeeze my eyes shut as tightly as possible. He does not want to hurt you, he just wants to help.

As my shirt is lifted, I bury my face in the pillows as I feel the cool air hit my skin. I hear Elijah hesitate. He pushes ever slow gently on one of my ribs, and I let out a whimper. "I'm sorry, Bambina, I know it hurts."  He gently pulls my top back down, before brushing a cool hand across my forehead, sweeping my hair from out of my face. 

"Serafina, we have just one more question to ask you." Vince says in a collected tone. His professionalism startle's me, gone is the comforting brother who had held my hands just minutes ago, replaced with a brooding facade. 

"Ok," I mumble.

"Did Trevor ever hurt you in other ways?" He asks. 

I freeze. "W-what d-do you mean?" I know what he means.

"Did he ever touch you inappropriately?"

My head falls to the floor, and I don't respond. I don't need to. The answer is there, plain as daylight. 

"Did Trevor ever... rape you?" Elijah asks.

I don't respond, just stare numbly at the wall. "Sometimes, when he was drunk, he would think I was mom." I whisper. I bring my knees to my chest, and try to curl up into a ball. Disappear. My tears are all dried up, and I don't think I could possibly cry anymore. I don't want to move. 

I stay there, curled up in that ball. For hours. Vince leaves - after all, he does run a full time company. When he does, he makes it brief, giving Elijah one last glance before striding out of the room, bringing his authority with him. However, Elijah is different. He stays with me, rubbing gentle circles on my back while I stare at the fireplace in front of me. At around 1 in the morning, I feel myself start to drift off. The last thing I remember is feeling my body being picked up, before I fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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