Trishia Richie

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Trisha POV

I am married to a beautiful man that might six years ago can't believe it I'm a wife now

Lionel POV

Trisha is my wife now I can't believe it but I am happy she is moving her stuff in

Trisha: babe

Lionel: yes

Trisha: I have to sell my house in Miami

Lionel: why

Trisha: cause we're married now and I don't think I need it

Lionel: you can keep it ...we can go for the summer time

Trisha: are you sure

Lionel: yes

Trisha: ok

She finished unpacking her stuff and she was officially moved in with Lionel

Trisha came to make her a snack for today she was hungry

It was a healthy snack she was doing a 30day eating healthy diet

Lionel family was coming over to celebrate the happy couple

Trisha couldn't believe she was Lionel Richie wife

Everyone came from Miami to see her and Lionel to congratulate them on the marriage

Trisha: I'm nervous

Lionel: why

Trisha: cause I haven't seen my family in four years

Lionel: it's going to be ok

Trisha: ok

A few hours have passed and her family finally arrived Trisha opened the door to greet her family she was happy to see everybody

Lionel was in the kitchen he gave everybody a hug they were excited to see Lionel

The father truly loved Lionel because he made his daughter happy over the years they have been together so they have a great bond and relationship

Trisha never like her uncle she always had a bad feeling about him even til this day

A few hours later

Trisha POV

I was deep in thought until I felt Lionel in front of me looking concerned

Lionel POV

Something was wrong with Trisha so I came up to her

Lionel: you ok

Trisha snapped out of her thoughts and stared at Lionel

Trisha: no

Lionel: what's wrong

Trisha: my uncle is here and it's kinda of uncomfortable to me you know what I went through with him

Lionel: are you ok

Trisha: yea I'm just uncomfortable at the moment

Lionel: did you tell your dad about it

Trisha: no not yet

Lionel: I can go get him for you

Trisha: ok and when you do can you stay with us

Lionel: sure

So Lionel came to get her dad he said it was something Trisha had to tell him and he got concerned

So Trisha Lionel And her dad sat down she told her dad that her uncle is here and she feels uncomfortable specially what happened in the past ....her father was happy that she told him and addressed this issue and her dad pulled Lionel to tell him to keep an eye on his daughter and make sure nothing happens when she around her uncle he gave him his word

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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