Chapter 6 Shadows Rage

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I've been hearing one of the most disturbing rumor and I'm hoping it is just a very bad practical joke that's gone horribly wrong. That rumor is that someone wants to restart the supernatural war. Personally you would have to be brain dead to restart a war that killed millions of members of all the factions that were involved. Though I can't really say anything, as i would start a war over someone wanting to interfere with my future plans, then again now that I am thinking about it, who's honestly gonna stop me from unleashing my full power on someone. While walking back to head our base, we run into yet another psychotic fallen angel. That's it, this is now personal. I look towards the fallen angel and I say, "Fool who dares disturb the Lord of shadows shall now suffer the wrath of the shadows. Your missing corpse will prove my message to those idiots. You will suffer a death so quickly you won't even be able to process your own death." I absorb only the necessary amount of mana to make this feat possible because I'm saving the moment I bathe this city in my might for a special occasion. As I'm confident with the amount of mana that I have absorbed, I say, "Witness divinity on such a minute scale. I AM ATOMIC." With that release of mana, the fallen angel is instantly vaporized in the release of my mana. I think it's far overdue for the leaders of these faction to see my might. for they keep on insisting on interfering with my plans. I shall cut the head off the snake. They will bow before the might of the Empire of shadows. I will no longer tolerate this pathetic excuse for foes. Is there not someone who  is worthy of challenging myself? I continue walking with Alpha and as I'm doing that, I'm constantly spewing out raw rage induced aura that is basically toxic to those who dare to challenge me. We make it back to the base and I still feel like I'm getting stronger as the days go by. The fools of this world will be bathed in shadows I promise them that. I begin to sense a presence that I have never felt, but still it gives me some pause as to whom this individual might be. Maybe someone  who can actually stand to challenge me or better yet it could be someone I can use as a punching bag. but whoever it is will be in a shock for their lives or what's left of it anyway. I speak to the presence, "Fool who dares lurk in the shadows, reveal yourself at once. Ley you be hunted by the Lord of shadows himself." So the mysterious presence revealed themselves from the shadows and said, "My name is Azazel. I am the leader of a faction known as the fallen angels. I sense that you are quite a strong person and will not consider challenging you to combat." I chuckle at what Azazel had said and so I responded to his comment by saying, " My name is shadow. He who lurks in the shadows, in order to hunt the shadows. You know not becoming an enemy of mine is probably the smartest thing you have done in your entire life Azazel. Though don't expect me to be so kind to you, as I've already had enough encounters with fallen angels to last a lifetime or rather many lifetimes. I should also mention this, if anyone from either your faction or the other two prominent factions in this town so much as even lay a single hair or finger on my organization and its members, I will personally annihilate every single member of the faction that is responsible for the incident. So please do yourself and the fallen angels a big favor and tell them that shadow along with shadow garden are off limits and that anyone who tries to mess with them will be executed for having either those kinds of thoughts or feelings." Azazel looked to be rather shocked that I would dare to challenge the factions, let alone personally destroy the factions. He appeared to be under the impression that I would ignite a war between shadow garden and the three factions. Personally I don't care what the three factions think of myself and shadow garden, as long as they leave me alone and stay out of my way when it comes to my plan of conquering this world then that's fine by me. After all I think it would be rather tragic that I didn't even bother to show the factions the true power that I am capable of unleashing upon the realms.   

                                                             *4th Wall break incoming*

(Shadow: What the hell author? Jeez why didn't you update the story? The people are practically begging to see me. I can't stand this vegan no pressure on the factions. I'll go rogue and have it all taken care of by lunch time. They can't possibly have a chance at stopping me. what they gonna do try and send their spec ops at me? 

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