"Okay, so what you're saying is you suddenly want a higher percentage of sales locations?" I asked, started to get upset myself.

"Yes." he smiled.

"No." I said, making that smile drop.

"Francheska ..."

"Ms. Ocasio to you. We are not going to our other ... shareholders to request they give up locations ..."

"Now you know that ..."

"No, you know how we work. We will not rescind a percentage from another party to supplement with you when you're not bringing in what you're supposed to at this moment, let alone what you're offering. I pay attention to everything, and right now, you're underdelivering, but the McIntyre's have been tolerant due to the amount of time you've been working together, and just because they're loyal doesn't mean you get to take advantage of them. Put your money where your mouth is, and maybe we'll consider giving you a bigger cut. Only if you can prove that you've got the product to fulfill such an ... audacious request." I stated.

"Underdelivering?" Seamus asked incredulously.

"Your boys have only been delivering 50% of the established percentage we are supposed to receive. Did you really think we weren't going to notice that you're reneging on your end of the deal? As it is, you're lucky that we haven't taken locations from you. Get your act together, or find somewhere else to sell your stuff. I don't have time for your crap."

"I can promise you the established amount has been sent." He growled.

"You calling her a liar?" Drew angrily asked.

"Get your men together, Seamus, before they get you in trouble with the wrong people. I've been watching them closely, and they're being very bad boys. Straighten them out, or they'll be taken out. You're dismissed."

"Drew ..."

"You heard the woman, clean your house up." Drew replied.

Seamus glared at us before stalking out of the business room. I looked over my documents again, making sure that my numbers were right ... which they were ... before looking up at Drew. Just to find him staring at me.

"What?" I asked, feeling my cheeks get warm.

"I've always known that you're beautiful, but seeing you in action is quite attractive." he said, brushing his knuckles softly over my cheeks with a new heat in his gaze. "That shade of red is quite appealing as well."

"We should talk." I whispered, not used to this feeling around him.

"Yes, in my office?" he asked, standing up.

"Do you want to talk about this now?" I asked, surprised.

"Might as well, come on." he said, pulling my seat out.

That's something he's always done before. He's always been a gentleman and always looked out for me. Had he looked at me with that heat in his eyes? That I don't know, I guess it doesn't matter now.

He walked behind me, his hand on the small of my back as he normally did. We spoke about another contract on the way to his office, as we normally do. The employees we passed didn't pay any attention to us because this wasn't outside of the normal. It makes sense to me why most of them think we are already together. Now, we're just going to make those rumors come true.

Once inside his office, I walked over to the coffee maker and set it up to make his coffee, knowing of his preference, especially after a stressful meeting. We remained in silence while I prepared the hot drink, but it wasn't uncomfortable ... it never is.

"I saw that you left the contract in my drawer, but I haven't looked at it." he said, and I noted the nerves in his tone.

"Why not?" I asked, sitting down after I handed him the coffee.

"I wanted to wait until we were together. You wanted to sign it right away and I asked you not to, then you took an extra 24 hours. My nerves were running a little rampant yesterday." he admitted.

"Go ahead and look."

He pulled the folder out of the top drawer, and I could see what others wouldn't. The hesitation to open the folder, the momentary hesitation to look directly at the document. Then, his surprise when he saw my initials and signature on the document. Drew looked up at me with wide eyes and then back down to the document.

"You signed it." he muttered.

"Yes, I did. Why offer it if you didn't expect me to sign it? Or did you not want me to sign it?" I asked.

"I wanted you to sign it ... wasn't sure you would."

"I trust you."

"Can I admit something?" he asked.

"Of course, what's up?"

"I've always thought you were gorgeous," he said, rising from behind his desk and moving towards the front to lean on it.

"Well, then, I guess it's fair for me to admit that I've always thought you were as well." I said, making his eyes sparkle.

"Mutual attraction then?" he asked.

"So it seems."

"One test to see if this would work." he said, holding his hand out as he stepped in front of me.

"What test?" I asked, placing my hand in his and letting him pull me up.

He took me by surprise when he tugged me closer, wrapping his arms around me and pressing our chests together.

"Drew ..."

"This one." he muttered.

One hand crept up over my side softly, the tips of his fingers trailing over my arm and higher to cup my neck. He used his thumb under my chin to push my head back just a little, his eyes heated on my lips.

"Can I?" he asked.

I just nodded my head, not able to find my voice or use it to respond.

"Words ... give me the words, Frankie." he growled, his tone much lower than before.

"Yes." I whispered, grabbing onto his suit jacket to find some sort of grounding method.

"Thank Jesus." he whispered before leaning down to press his lips to mine.

I've never felt fireworks from a kiss ... before Drew. It's like nothing I've ever felt from a kiss before. He bit my bottom lip, and the gasp it caused aided him, his tongue slithering dangerously against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and coasted on the kiss. The best fucking kiss I've ever had before. Why is it with my boss?

Drew pulled away, pressing his lips to mine softly once more ... twice, before caressing my cheek with his thumb. That same digit rubbed my bottom lip, and I just looked up at him to get his reaction to his 'test'.

"That blew my expectations out of the water." he muttered.

"You thought about this before?" I whispered.

"Many times ... did you?"

"Yes, I did too. Told myself to stop." I muttered, looking straight at his chest.


"You were my bosses son and then you were my boss."

"Understood ... and now?" he asked, using his finger to lift my face again.

"Now ... I want you to kiss me again." I whispered.

"Your wish is my demand." he growled, descending again.

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