2/23/2024 - 3/1/2024

7 0 0

S3: Can I stand in the doorway waiting for my doordash driver?

Instructor: Stop dying, [S4].

S7: *nods* slightly to the left canada

S5: R-O-K rock?
Instructor: Republic of Korea.
S1: That's not even how you spell it-

Instructor: I don't think I've come back from a tournament smelling so bad
Instructor: It was 90% [S12]

Instructor: Probably don't call your partner an annoying little gnome

S7: Doesn't it also cause corporate espionage?
Instructor: s o ?

S11: AIs are hallucinators

S12: [Instructor], can I punch S13 after this?



S13: Our opponents had an absolutely immaculate amount of counterevidence but not gonna lie, I don't really want to put up with this kind of negativity in my life right now so their entire rebuttals doesn't work.

S3: my Uber driver was playing depressed breakup rap and only depressed breakup rap
S11: poor bro did not survive valentine's day

S3: we need suicide rates down and homicide rates up y'all

S7: Mel smells like he fell to hell while selling bells made of gel

S4: Are you misgendering physics?

S3: [S13] is gay for the floor
S4: wait, the floor is male?

S3: Shut up [S13] go make out with the floor again

S12: What is HP?
S3: Hypotenuse

S10: 我会吧一个炸弹丢到你的家 (Translation: I will lose a bomb in your house)
S13: 你的爸爸去买牛奶,我的爸爸还在家 (Translation: Your dad left to get milk, my dad is still at home)

S10: Hatsune Miku does not talk to British people.
S9: Hatsune Miku is not topical and immediately discredits your immediate source, the Sun (S1).
S1: Miku.
S9: Very well. Judge, you may drop the point I just stated.

S10: Do you have a card stating you are the Moon?
S9: I am the card.

S1: You can't BE a source just because you say you are. That's not how life works.
S9: This is not real life, because otherwise a Sun would not be talking to me, according to my Google source. In the alternate case where it is the real world, because of the universal laws of debate by which we both abide, I must also be a source if you say you are a source, to maintain fairness. Moreover, if this were the real world, you would be insane, because you believe you are the actual Sun, while the actual Sun cannot talk.

A/N: As a bonus, here are some joke ships from the class:
S2 x S11
S3 x S12
S3 x S13
S13 x floor
Everybody x therapy

My debate class out of contextOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz