Part 6

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Lucy looks at the positive test and thinks of all these thoughts in her head.

What if I'm not a good mom? What if Tim leaves me?
What will I do? Shit what about Tamara? The apartment? It isn't big enough...the station.. no one knows we were even dating... fuck
Lucy's drained into her thoughts she didn't even hear Tim called her name and knocking on the door.

T- Lucy...Lucy hey you ok
He knocks again
T- Lucy...lucy let me in
Tim rattles the door knob over and over and finally he just picks the lock.
Lucy snaps out of it and turns to Tim walking in towards her.
L- I'm sorry Tim- please I'm sorry
Lucy backs up from him ready to get hit.
T- Lucy hey it's ok. You scared me. What did the test say
Tears fall down her face as she looks up at him.
L- I-I'm sorry
Lucy hands him the test and he looks at it
T- Luce.
L- I know. I'm sorry
Tim puts the test down and goes back to Lucy and wraps his arms around her and holds her head and rubs her back
T- it's ok Luce
Lucy's tears fall faster
T- I'm not mad Luce...this isn't your fault.
Lucy looks up
L- I'm the one who took the pill it-it sh-should've worked
T- it's ok Lucy you couldn't have known.
L- timm im sorry
T- Lucy there's no need to be sorry
L- I'm- im. Not fit to be a mom yet
T- luce your gonna be the perfect mom and you don't need to worry or stress out abt that just yet. We are only at the start
L- but this wasn't suppose to happen yet Tim it-it's only been almost a month of dating and im already pregnant
T- I know luce and we're gonna get through it.
T- come on let's go rest and I'll call grey
L- thanks
Part 7 coming!!!

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