Part 1

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Lucy heads home after a long night after shift
L- hey babe
C- your late.
L- yeah sorry things were busy today
C- mhmm busy with Bradford
L- what!!
C- you think I wouldn't notice again
Chris walks up to Lucy
L- sorry sorry I won't- just please don't
Chris slaps her across the face and pins her against the wall
L- stop please *lucys voice breaks*
L- don't fucking touch her
L- please don't touch her
C- it's your choice stay away from Tim or I hurt Tamara
L- ok I got it
C- good.
Fast forward to the morning

*beep *beep *beep
Lucy turns her alarm off and goes to the bathroom
L- shit..
Lucy notices a bruise and covers it up with concealer
~at work in the girls locker room~
Lucy's getting changed
A- hey Lucy you ok you seem down
L- uhh no I'm fine... why it's just a normal morning
A- the bruise
L- what!
Lucy looks in the mirror
L- oh uh it's nothing
A- Lucy your not ok
L- I'm fine
Lucy looks away and hurry's to leave but Angela stops her and grabs her arm
A - hey! Your not ok
Lucy stares at Angela with water in her eyes
A- luce it's ok
Lucy breaks down in Angela's arms
Angela stands there hugging Lucy risking them back and forth
A-it's gonna be ok
Angela pulls away
A- who did this
L- Chris
A- oh Luce
L- he's gonna hurt Tamara.. I-i need to go
A- Lucy wait
Lucy stops and looks at her
A- I'm coming
Chris saw half of what happened and was already half way there
L- we don't have much time
A- ok let's go
~30 mins later they arrive at the apartment~
Chris was already trying to get into the apartment
As soon as Lucy saw him Chris went in
Lucy ran and Angela followed
Lucy banged on the door

Tamara screamed
A- move back
Angel kicked the door down
Lucy runs in and goes straight to Tamara's room where Chris was trying to get ontop of Tamara 
Lucy went for Chris and Chris stopped and grabbed Lucy and pinned her against the wall and Lucy froze and just stayed there letting Chris punch her untill Angela stepped in
Angela grabbed Chris and kneed him in the stomach and then threw him on the ground and hand cuffed him
Lucy finally got up and when to Tamara who was standing in the corner gasping for air trying to breathe properly
L- Tamara
Lucy runs to her and hugs her tight and cry's
Tamara try's to hold the tears back but a few escaped
Lucy pulled to look straight into Tamara's eyes
L- are you ok
TA- yeah I-i fine
L- I'm sorry Tamara. Are you sure your ok
TA- I'm ok Lucy I'm ok. Just brought back past trauma
Lucy gives her a painful smile and hugs her again
Angela buts in
A- you to ok?
Lucy looks at Tamara
L- are you sure
TA- no not really.. I- I mean
L- it's ok I get it
A- Lucy we need to take you back to the station for questioning
L- I'd rather do it here
A- ok I'll go take Chris to the station and I'll be back
L- ok
Angela leaves with Chris leaving Tamara and Lucy
Once Angela leaves Tamara starts tearing up
L- Tamara hey.
Tamara looks at Lucy trying not to break down
L- oh hunny
Lucy hugs her
L- I'm sorry
Tamara started breathing heavy
L- Tamara try to breathe for me ok
Lucy pulls away
L- hey look focus on me
Tamara looks at lucy
L- breathe slowly.. calm
~ few seconds later ~
L- good it's getting better
L- what's wrong
TA- everything now.
L- let's talk about it. Release some stress
TA- yeah sure
L- you don't have to if you don't want to but I believe it will make it better knowing someone close knows
TA- yeah
~they sit on the bed~
L- whenever you're ready.
TA- it's not much so it shouldn't take long
L- take as long as you need
TA- ok well umm it started when my mom passed from OD and my dad didn't handle it well and took all his angry out on me and would hit me every other night for a few months..and uhh
Lucy out her hand on Tamara's which laid on her leg
TA- he he got drunk and raped me
Tamara instantly looked up at Lucy hearing Lucy gasp
Lucy's eyes started to feel with water hearing her say that
TA- and then I would cut myself and starve myself ever since untill my dad died then I had to eat to take care of myself.
Lucy was just staring straight at Tamara
Tamara starts breaking down again
L- come here
Lucy hurts for Tamara trying not to cry with her but to be strong for her.
Lucy hugs her and rubs her back "it's gonna be ok your safe now"
Tamara breaks the hug
TA- I-I'm sorry I never told you sooner
L- what it's fine. This isn't easy to tell someone.
TA- but I feel like I should've told you earlier
L- well I know now and I promise you won't get left again or hit by another man or boy.
TA- well knowing I live with a badass cop I don't worry as much
Lucy smiles at Tamara
~Angela walks in ~
A- ok you ready
L- oh yeah I forgot
Angela sits herself next to Lucy
A- ok so when did Chris start hitting you
L- a few months ago after me and Tim went undercover
A- but why
L- he thinks me and him are secretly hooking up
A- I could see why since yall went undercover as a very  physical couple
L- yeah and everytime he caught me talking to Tim he would be- beat me untill I was passed out and then act like everything was fine in the morning
A- I'm sorry Lucy
L- that's pretty much it
A- are you sure that's it did he touch you sexually
L- no no he didn't
Lucy looked at Tamara and grabbed her hand
A- everything ok Tamara
L- she's fine just a little shooken up from Chris
A- ok I'll leave yall to it
L- ok
~Tim shows up~
A- a little late Bradford
T- traffic
L- hey I didn't know you were coming
A- yeah he was suppose to be here for the questioning but he was late so I'll leave yall to it and head back to the station
L- ok
TA- I'll leave yall two to talk I'll go watch a show
L- ok
Tamara goes to the kitchen and Angela leaves
~in Tamara's room with Tim and Lucy~
T- sorry I was late
L- it's fine
T- so if you don't mind what happened again
L- well chris would beat me every time he caught us talking
T- ok wait hold up.. I'm your T.O ho-how does he expect us not to talk
L- he thinks he are secretly hooking up
T- since when
L- since we when undercover
T- makes since
L- Tim he wasn't wrong
T- what
L- he basically hooked up twice but got interrupted
T- Lucy that was intentional for undercover
L- no it wasn't Tim I-I liked you and I still do
Lucy looked at Tim and stood up and he stood up
T- me too Lucy
L- what.
T- I have feelings to Lucy
L- wow I was not expecting that actually
L- I'm sorry I'm just a little over my head. There's so much going on with me, Tamara and us
T- hey it's ok we can talk later. Lucy breathe
L- yeah I'm trying to focus on that
T- come here
Tim wraps her in for a hug
T- it's ok Luce breathe..follow my heart beat
L- mhmm yeah that's helping a lot
Tim breaks the hug
T- you ok now
L- for now. Sure
T- if you need me call or text me and I'll come right away
L- yeah I will...thanks
T- yeah it's the least I can do
T- bye Lucy
L- bye Tim
Tim walks out

Part 2????

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