Me? A Demigod?

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Today was great so far. I had fun with my friends early and I'm doing great in school. Life couldn't get better.So I was just walking home from my friends house and listening to Teenager by MCR. I was minding own business that was until some random person shoves my to the ground and points a sword at my throat."Dude what the hell?" I yell. "Be quiet Graecus" he said. "Not Greek" I say. Me? A demigod? Yeah right. How could I be a demi- "Don't get any ideas Graecus" he said interrupting  my thoughts. "Octavian leave her alone" Someone shouted. Me and who seems to be Octavian turned and saw Jason. "I will kill you one day Graecus" he said and ran off. "Don't count on it!" I yell after him.

"Thanks Jason. I thought I was done for a minute" I say. "Hey no problem. . You know he's probably right. Octavian wouldn't just go after just anyone" he said. "But how? I'm not a demigod" I say. It's only been a year since Jason told me that he was a demigod and I just got to use to it.  "I'm sorry Jessa but I think you are" he said. "I need to talk to my mom" I say and start to walk off. "Hey Jess! Wait up!" he said running to catch up with me. "Yeah I think I'm going to need a friend for what's going to happen" I say and walk over to my house. "Mom!" I yell as me and Jason walk into the kitchen. "Yeah?" she said coming into the kitchen. "Mom am I a demigod?" I ask. "No why would you say that?" she said. She looked nervous. "Come on mom don't lie to me" I say. "I should have told you a long time ago." she muttered under her breath thinking I wouldn't hear her but I did. "Tell me what?" I say. She just stays quiet. "Mom! tell me what? Come on tell me" I pleaded. 

"I'm sorry I can't tell you." she said. "Can't tell me what? Am I a demigod or not?" I say getting sick of being in the dark about my life. "Mrs. Kreppel you can tell her." said Jason. "You know? Why couldn't you told me 10 minutes ago?" I asked. "It wasn't my secret to tell" He said. "Fine you're off the hook. But you are not" I say looking back at my mom. "Can I really tell her?" she asked Jason. "Tell me What?!" I yell. "You can." said Jason. "Jessa why don't you pack a bag so you can go when I'm done" she said. When she's done? What is going to do? Kick me out? I think. "Ok I'll go" I say can run up stairs and go pack a bag. My siblings aren't here yet from their friends house. So I  find a bag and shove in some pairs of cloths, some of my favorite books, my journal that I write my stories in, a brush, can a picture of me and my friends. Then I come back down stair. "Ok I'm ready" I say. 

"ok then" my mom said. She looked like she didn't get any sleep last night. "I've been meaning to tell you for a long time. But  I never found the right time." she said. "Finally I get to hear what you need to tell me" I say. "Jessa you're. . . adopted.

A/N: Hi everyone!!!! I hope you like my story so far. This is my first Fanfic book I've done so please bare with me

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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