Start from the beginning

Blue eyes roamed around the room, half expecting what he saw, Kitty was very much as expected when in came to her room, a white bed frame pushed into the corner, the duvet and sheets in pale colours of yellow and pink, though being truthful he didn't expect the scattering of clothes nor the mess of her dresser and night stand but it seemed to only bring down the pedestal that everyone seemed to put the blonde on, as if she was prudish and pristine, almost like a princess. Spider smiles, genuine and not the usual smirk that is often caught on his features, watching as the girl scrambles quickly to gather clothes and what looked like lacy underwear from his view and tucked back into the clothes basket before she moved it to the space at the foot of her bed. Cheeks flushed she turns to him. "Sorry." She apologises again, almost awkwardly.

"Nah, it's all good. I've seen Ant room and that's a disaster zone." He jokes, tucking his hands into his pockets, rocking on his feet. The situation feels awkward, the pair standing in the middle of the room, she never expected herself to invite him in, hell, not even an hour ago she'd hidden away from him and now here they stood. A strange turn of events. "So, um, what are we feeling? Funny? Scary? Confusing?" She mutters off, rambling.

"Let's just pick something from Netflix, you got an account right?" Kitty nods, moving to grab her laptop from the opposite side of the bed, dropping it into her lap as she opens it. Gesturing for Spider to sit beside her, he moves slowly, him removing the beat up Van's he always wears and her kicking off her Air Force 1's and curling her legs beneath her as she opened the laptop.

It took fifteen minutes but soon enough they settled on something, and frankly, Kitty didn't mind, it was one she'd seen before and also it was just enough to keep her mind off the close proximity between the teens. Fifteen more minutes pass and eventually the movie rolls into thirty minutes before one of the even attempts to move, and it's Kitty, moving to stretch her legs out, and Spider took that as a sign to make himself more comfortable.  Dancing around each other the two shuffled in the bed until eventually they settled with the laptop on his stomach and the pair on their backs with his arm beneath her shoulders, her body turned slightly inwards.

Kitty doesn't know how they ended up this way, but she doesn't dare question it. She instead keeps her focus on the movie for as long as she can, trying so hard not to glance at him. But when she does the atmosphere changes, he head turning upwards and the movement being felt drags his blue eyes away from the screen to her face, they watch each other before she repeats his exact words from earlier.

"Fuck it." 

Kitty moves like a snake, quick and before she can change her mind, pressing her mouth to his for the second time in one night, half her body raised so she could reach with ease. Eyes closing, his hands move smoothly, closing the laptop and moving to the bed beside him, lanky body turning inwards to her, hands moving with purpose, beneath the fabric over her shirt, over the warm skin of her hip.

It could of been days and Kitty would be none the wiser as fingers curl in fabric, rolled beneath Spider as knees bracket his hips, his tongue still tasting of stale beer and his body heavy against hers and yet it was a welcomed weight. When air soon became a struggle, the girl pulls back slightly, giving Spider to opportunity to drop his mouth to her throat, hands creeping up higher and higher until lace meets fingertips. 

But that was enough to wash a cold fear down her spine. It wasn't that she didn't want this, it certainly wasn't that because she did. But the fear of what it meant was another story. Spider and her were friends, at the very most, not once had anything even indicated to this. She may not have drunk more than half a beer, but Spencer, he certainly had been drinking. And this wasn't what she imagined, call her childish but this wasn't a fairy tale.

"I uh," she stammers, her hands pushing his form beneath her shirt. "Is this a smart idea?" 

"You kissed me." Walls shot upwards, she could see the defensiveness in his features, there is now a coldness in his tone and immediately she's worried that she's done something that now this is all they'd be, some random make out session after one too many drinks.

"I know, I know. That's not what I mean." She explains, head tilted back to meet his gaze, his hands now rested either side of her head as he holds himself upwards. "I just mean, you've been drinking, and I'm not saying you don't want this, or you're not in your right mind, actually I could be, I just don't want this to be something that you might consider a mistake, or something that might be one and done." She's not thinking through her words, and she's standing on the edge of a confession without even being aware of it. For something that she's held very close to her heart, it tumbles from her lips without a thought. "I like you Spencer, but I just don't want to be one of those names on the wall. I don't like the idea of that, and maybe that's why I've not been with anyone, because I never want to be one of many at a time, but I like you, a lot and it's weird, I've never said it out loud to someone before and just I don't want this to ----"

She doesn't get to finish the rambling, his lips against hers again but this time softer. Gentle in their touch, before he's disappearing from above her moving to sit on the edge of her bed. "I don't think I've ever heard you talk that much, shit not even high." He chuckles and peers over his shoulder at her, her eyes wide as her mind finally catches up to her and she's stunned. 

"I didn't... um, shit."

"Eloquent, Kits." The way he speaks is if nothing she said had changed his thoughts. "You're overthinking this, it's okay. Look, let's just call it a night yeah?" Her shoulders sag at his words and her frown etches into brows, tucking her hands into her lap as she nodded, she didn't want to stop hanging out with him, she just didn't want anything to go wrong. 

"It's too late now to wander home." She mumbles. "Please still stay, Kyle won't be home until tomorrow and I'd prefer if you did stay. I'll drive you home tomorrow?" She offers and it is out of the goodness of her heart, she knows well enough that Spencer lives at least an hour by foot from her place and while it was considered not late in terms of their parties, it was too late for him to walk home. 

"Okay." The pair returned to their positions, the laptop back on his chest and her turned in towards him to watch the screen until her eyes couldn't stay open.

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