Shizuka's younger sister

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After school one day, I decide to go and visit Shizuka, my childhood friend and senpai, who is a second year high school student

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After school one day, I decide to go and visit Shizuka, my childhood friend and senpai, who is a second year high school student. It has been a while since we last spent time together. However, I cannot prepare myself for what happens next. When I knock on the door, I hear a voice that does not sound familiar. The one who opens the door is a blonde-haired girl, with pale skin and the same bluebell coloured eyes.

"Oh, hello there, Yuma." The girl says

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I ask

"I Kadoma, Shizuka's younger sister. I cannot believe you forgot about that, some childhood friend you are!" Kadoma cries

I am immediately taken aback. Kadoma looks completely different to how she did when we were kids. Back then, she cries and cannot go anywhere without Shizuka. Now that she is a high school freshman like me, she went through an extreme makeover. She dresses like a gal and her personality is much brighter.

This is amazing to an introvert like me, and I hug her tightly, which makes Kadoma blush. She pushes me back in embarrassment and states that it has been quite some time since we have seen each other.

"Kadoma, where is Shizuka?" I ask

"Oh, did she not tell you, Shizuka had to go to work today." Kadoma says

I must admit, I feel slightly saddened hearing this. However, I know that Shizuka is a very hardworking person who does not let anyone slack off. Kadoma lets me inside and we sit on the couch. Out of nowhere, Kadoma asks me a deeply personal question.

"Yuma, do you have a girlfriend?" Kadoma asks

This question makes me choke on the snack that I am eating and I punch myself in the stomach to unclog my throat. In an embarrassed tone, I tell her: "No, I do not."

Keep in mind, Kadoma is the only person who knows that I am in love with Shizuka-Senpai, seeing as she is her younger sister. So, she is quite disappointed to hear this She can tell that me and Shizuka-Senpai, her older sister, are deeply in love with each other. I state that I won't tell Shizuka, and Kadoma angrily punches me in the head.

"Yuma, you better make a move soon or someone else might snatch her away!" Kadoma teases, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

I feel my face heat up at her words, knowing that she's right. I've harboured feelings for Shizuka for as long as I can remember, but I've never had the courage to confess. The thought of losing her to someone else fills me with a mix of fear and regret.

As we continue chatting, Kadoma starts reminiscing about our childhood memories. She tells me about the times we used to play together, the adventures we embarked on, and the secrets we shared. It's bittersweet to hear her talk about those moments, realizing how much time has passed and how much we've all changed.

Suddenly, Kadoma's phone buzzes, interrupting our conversation. She checks the message and her eyes widen in surprise. "Yuma, guess what? Shizuka just texted me saying she's coming home early today!"

My heart skips a beat at the news, and I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. This unexpected turn of events gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, today will be the day I finally gather the courage to confess my feelings to Shizuka.

As we wait for Shizuka to arrive, Kadoma and I engage in playful banter, trying to ease the tension that has built up within me. She encourages me to be honest with Shizuka, reminding me that life is too short to hold back our true feelings.

Finally, the sound of the front door opening fills the air, and Shizuka steps into the house. Her eyes widen in surprise as she sees me sitting on the couch, and a smile spreads across her face.

"Yuma! What a pleasant surprise!" Shizuka exclaims, making her way towards us.

I stand up, my heart pounding in my chest, and take a deep breath. This is it. This is the moment I've been waiting for. With Kadoma's encouraging gaze and Shizuka's warm presence, I gather all my courage and speak from the heart.

"Shizuka-senpai, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time," I begin, my voice trembling slightly. "I've always admired you, not just as a childhood friend, but as someone incredibly special to me. I've fallen in love with you, Shizuka-senpai. I've always cared for you more than just a friend. I...I love you."

Shizuka's eyes widen in surprise, her cheeks flushing slightly. She looks at me with a mix of shock and happiness, and for a moment, the world seems to stand still.

"Yuma, I...I had no idea," she stammers, her voice filled with emotion. "I...I feel the same way. I've always felt a connection between us, and I've been too afraid to admit it."

A wave of relief washes over me as I hear her words, and a smile spreads across my face. In that moment, everything feels right, and I know that I've made the right decision in finally confessing my feelings.

Kadoma watches us with a knowing smile, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Well, it's about time you two figured it out," she teases, causing us both to laugh.

As Shizuka and I share a tender moment, I can't help but feel grateful for Kadoma's encouragement and support. Without her playful nudges and wise words, I might have never mustered up the courage to confess my feelings to Shizuka.

And as we bask in the warmth of our newfound love, I know that I owe it all to Kadoma, the mischievous matchmaker who helped me find the courage to make a move before it was too late.

I vow to make my super cute senpai and girlfriend the happiest person in the world, this is where the story of our romantic relationship truly begins, and I cannot wait to see what happens next.

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