Becoming popular

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The week continues and other first year students start to approach me

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

The week continues and other first year students start to approach me. They apologize for making fun of me for being an introvert, and state that they did not know that I am this handsome. I laugh and state that this does not feel like me just yet. Some of the girls come up to me and ask if I can eat lunch with them. However, I tell them that I already have someone that I am going to eat lunch with.

"Are you talking about Shizuka-Senpai?" Megumi says

"Yeah, she's pretty much my queen at this point." I reply

"I cannot believe that the two of you are childhood friends. It's like you were made for each other." Minami said

I casually laugh this statement off and notice Shizuka staring into the classroom. She waves at me and smiles. She can see that I am popular with my classmates now, and feels like she does not need to visit me in class anymore. 

It is at this moment when I change my mind and decide to eat lunch with the girls. The day continues and people keep coming up to me and asking if they can be friends with me. This makes me happy, because I remember not having any friends before, as all my classmates saw me as a plain and boring introvert.

Shizuka also gains the attention of her classmates and they ask about the cool guy that she is walking around school with; not knowing that the guy in question is me. Shizuka states that the guy is someone very important to her and that they really love and care about her. She then notices that other guys in her class want to be her friends.

She is happy to do this. Now, it seems as though both of us are now popular with our classmates. I wait for Shizuka by the school entrance and think about how much my life has changed. I then look forward and see Shizuka walking with her male classmates. They are laughing and Shizuka seems deeply engrossed in their conversation. 

She looks at me and her face lights up. The five of them walk up to me and Shizuka grabs my arm. 

"Guys, this is Yuma. He's my boyfriend!" Shizuka cries

For a brief moment, I enter my shy mode and wave at them. The male classmates smile and state that Shizuka has good tastes. I do not know what they mean by this and suddenly think back to Shizuka's ex-boyfriend. She did not feel happy with him, and this must be what the guys mean when they mention her "tastes". 

Seeing as I still new to this whole dating thing, I do not understand what is meant by tastes. I walk home with Shizuka hand in hand. She looks at me and states that I have gotten quite popular. She seems happy for me and I could not have asked for a more supportive and caring girlfriend.

"Welcome home sister. Hey... Yuma, how are y...

Kadoma stops halfway and does not recognize me. She thinks that I am a completely different person and accuses Shizuka of cheating on me with another guy. However, Shizuka quickly clears up the confusion and tells her that I have gone through a major glow-up. With this info, Kadoma understands.

She states that she likes my new look and that the only thing that matters to her, is the happiness of her big sister. Shizuka offers to cook dinner, but I tell her to let me do it. This surprises Shizuka, as she remembers how bad I am at cooking. Little does she know, cooking is one of the things that I have improved.

I enter the kitchen and already know what to make. Shizuka and Kadoma watch me as I start cooking. They sit in the living room and suddenly pick up a delicious smell. When I'm done, I bring the plates of food out.

Upon placing them on the table, Shizuka and Kadoma are amazed to see three well-prepared plates of Omelette Rice. I tell them that I have been taking cooking lessons from my mother and that I learnt to cook from her. 

Shizuka kisses me on the cheek and my face turns bright red from embarrassment. I feel like my heart is about to explode and cannot handle how cute she looks. Shizuka does not care what I look like, she loves me for who I am. 

Shizuka is truly the best girlfriend that a guy could ever ask for. She's funny, intelligent, emotionally strong and extremely affectionate. Kadoma states that she feels like a sister to me and in turn, I feel like a brother to Shizuka, considering that the two of us are the same age.

When we are done with dinner, I wash up and put the dishes away. Kadoma suggests that I stay the night and this suggestion makes me and Shizuka go beet red. Shizuka shyly states that this is a great idea and I quickly rush into the bathroom to shower. Whilst showering, I cannot stop thinking about how this will be my first time staying over at Shizuka's house as a high school student.

Now, I have no idea why this is happening. I mean, I have stayed over at Shizuka's house before, but this is back when we were nothing more than childhood friends. Things are completely different now, as Shizuka and I are dating. I do not know what to do. It is at this moment when my mind constructs an image of my future self, who states that things will work out with Shizuka and I see that he has a kid with him.

I then realize that if things work out, then Shizuka and I must get married in the future and start a family. I get out of the shower and changed into my other clothes. Kadoma challenges me to fight her in her favourite game: "Galaxy Wrestler". She tosses me a controller and states that she will not go easy on me, I am counting on this as I am no longer the guy who loses all the time.

We play three rounds, and I end up beating Kadoma every time, much to her sheer disbelief. Even Shizuka is amazed by how much better I've gotten. I notice the time and suggest that we go to bed.

Shizuka and Kadoma agree. Shizuka states that she and I will be sleeping in her room, and this makes me blush more. I have never been in or slept in Shizuka's room. It feels like I am stepping into forsaken territory by doing this.

However, Shizuka is happy with me entering her room. I brace myself and walk in. I then notice that her room is lined with anime posters, leading me to realize that she likes anime just like me. Shizuka hides the fact that she likes anime, when we are at school because she is afraid that other people will make fun of her.

I state that they will not make fun of her, because so many people make fun of others to hide the fact that they like anime. I have seen this multiple times with my classmates. Shizuka slimes at me and thanks me for being a kind and caring boyfriend.

"I love you, Shizuka." I whisper 

"I love you too, Yuma." Shizuka says

It is at this moment when we lean towards each other and kiss for the first time. My body moves on its own and I place my hand on the side of her face. We pull away from each other and smile at each other.

We then get underneath the sheets and drift off to sleep, with our hands intertwined. There must some kind of domino effect, as we end up dreaming about each other. We even meet in each other's dreams and our conversation is really romantic. I cannot remember what exactly it was that we were talking about, but it made both of us blush, despite the fact that we were unconscious.

My Senpai and Childhood friendOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz