The Annoyance Test

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Rosella: Vision...

Vision: Science is one of the most important sources of information. It serves a specific purpose and a variety of functions for the benefit of our society, including the generation of new knowledge, the improvement of education, and the enhancement of our quality of life. Science must address societal needs as well as global challenges. Without science, there is no human development, no technological progress, no knowledge generation, and the world stagnates. Science is knowledge, and the world as we know it would not exist if we did not invest in science. The world would come to a halt if science did not exist.

Bucky: Damn.

Rosella: VISION!!!

CLint: YES!

Vision: Yes Miss. Rosella.

Rosella: Those where some...incredible facts! It's like you copied and pasted them straight out of a website or something!...*hint hint, wink wink*

Clint: Huh?

Vision: You really think so?

Rosella: Of course, how about you write them down and send them to be so I can read them all?

Clint: NO!

Vision: I would be honored, I'll start on it immediately.

Pietro: Traitor.

*Vision has logged off*

Clint: Peter...make me proud.

Peter: Excuse me Miss. Rose? Your really smart right? I have a few questions.

Rosella: Sure Pete! Ask away.

Peter: If you clean a vacuum cleaner, aren't you the vacuum cleaner?

Bucky: A what now?

Pietro: Who let Peter back on YouTube?

Peter: When we yawn, do death people think we're screaming? Why aren't iPhone charger just called apple juice? If FedEx and UPS were to merge would they be know as FedUP?


Clint: Everything ok there Rose?

Rosella: You know what Peter, those are some interesting questions.

Pietro: Wait what?

Peter: You, think my questions are interesting?

Rosella: Absolutely, you know what, you're a smart kid Pete. Why don't you do research on them and tell me what you found.

Peter: Cool!

Clint: No, no not cool!

Peter: I'll message them to you!

Rosella: Can't wait!

*Peter has logged off*

Bucky: Tic-tok, tic-toc Barton.

Clint: Shut it.

Clint: Pietro, if you fail...Wanda is my new favorite.

Pietro: Not on my watch...things are about to get ugly.

Rosella: What are you guys even talking about?

Pietro: Shut it dumb blond!

Bucky: Your spelled blonde wrong.

Rosella: I'm a brunet Pietro...

Pietro: Don't correct me you two face!

Rosella: I respect your opinions.

Pietro: Stop it with the fake niceness!

Rosella: Are you ok?

Pietro: What?

Rosella: You seem to have a lot of hate and negativity. Is everything ok? Are you, ok?

Pietro: You know I have been kind of stressed lately.

Clint: What's happening?

Pietro: It's just, these missions are bringing a lot of anxiety recently. And Wanda keeps breaking into my room at night and making me dream some really weird shit.

Rosella: We can talk about if you like? How about we call each other later today?

Pietro: Yeah, I um...gotta go do some...stuff.

*Pietro has logged off*

Bucky: Anyone else hear crying?

Rosella: Brb guys, my cookies are in the oven.

Bucky: Looks like I win...your bow and arrows are mine.

Clint: That wasn't in the deal!

Bucky: Sucks to suck!!!

*Bucky has logged off*

Clint: My precious arrows...

*Clint has logged off*

Rosella: Hmm....bitches.

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