Creepy Voices: 1

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I am Miya. 17 years old. I and my family moved to this village last year, because my dad got transferred here. It's really beautiful. Full of life and nature.

The house we bought was on a river side. It was a two-storey building.

It was a vacation month. Specifically at afternoon around 1:30. Both my dad and mom was out.

I cleaned up my room and watched a horror movie while eating my lunch. I stayed up for some time, but then I felt really sleepy. So, I headed to bed.

Soon, I started dreaming. The thing is that I know I am dreaming in my dream, if it actually makes sense.

In my dream, I entered into the dining hall. My mom was putting dishes on the dining table. There were four plates. Mom even added an extra chair.

I was confused. We are only three. Is there any guests coming?

I asked mom if there's an guest coming. But, she continued to arrange dishes as if she didn't hear me.

I felt uneasy in my stomach. There was something strange that I couldn't put my finger on, but I didn't knew what it was.

That's when I started to notice the surroundings. It was very silent. Pin drop silence to be specific. Not even the sound of river could be heard. Strange. I could even hear my faint heartbeat which is slowly increasing.

There's something wrong with my mother. I just know.

Suddenly, mom stopped doing whatever she was doing. She just looked at me straight in the eye and smiled. The smile was weird. It was very creepy. She wasn't blinking. It's like her eyes are stuck on mine.

Everything slowly faded away.

And, then I saw myself laying on my bed. The exact room. Exact bed. Exactly how it looked when I went to bed.

Someone entered into my room. It was my mom. She came closer and told me to wake up. With her sweet voice.

It was strange, cause my mom always demanded me to wake up.


Someone told me. The voice wasn't my mom's. It was not anyone's. It was from inside my own mind. But, it was crystal clear. And, demanding.

My instinct told me to obey it and I did.

Mom keeps calling me. She was so close. Almost on my face. It was creepy. It was disturbing. Her face was....uhm very weird. She looks exactly same, but yeah there was something strange about her which I still don't know what it is.

She became disappointed. Her face says it all. She left my room.

I wondered what would happen next.

Soon, my friends entered into the room and started calling me. Telling me to wake up. They were strange, just like how my mom was.

The voice in my mind told me to don't ever open my eyes. No matter what I see or hear in my dream.

I held my breath.

I panicked.

It wasn't a joke anymore. I tried getting up, but I couldn't. And, then it clicked.

Something was on my top. Something sinister. It was holding me down.


Hope y'all liked it. So, wait for the next part.

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now