Comfort Call

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Emilie: Little one. Oh, little one!

Adrien groaned & opened his eyes, looking up at his smiling mother, Emilie, titan of motherhood

Emilie: Good morning, Aidoneus!

Adrien yawned a bit

Emilie: You slept for such a long time. You must be tired from your powers developing.

He looked away, staying silent

Emilie: Don't be shy. You can show me.

Adrien began creating shiny diamonds in his hands, showing them to her

Emilie: They're beautiful.

Adrjen felt a small smile showing on his face

Emilie: Have you thought about what you want to call those shiny rocks of yours?

Adrien: Can't we just call them shiny rocks?

Emilie began laughing a bit

Emilie: Now, now. I know you're much smarter than that. Ah, well. I'm sure you'll come up with something fantastic. Did you know that it's your birthday today?

Adrien: Really? Haven't I done that five times already?

Emilie: Now, you'll get to do it for the sixth time. You have such a stern face for someone so young. Do you see Su-han? He travels around the earth once a day, which means he's around the earth 365 days since you turned five.

Adrien: I've been alive for 2,190 days. That's a long time.

Emilie: Little one, I think you'll find that's not much time at all. Is there anything else you would like, my son?

Adrien: Umm.. well..

Before he could tell her, a booming voice stopped him

Gabriel: EMILIE!!

Gabriel, titan of time, stomped over to her

She gasped & bended down

Emilie: Quick, hide.

Adrien: But, mama..

Emilie: Don't argue with me. Go hide! You know we cannot outrun him.

He hid behind a tree & Gabriel approached his wife

Gabriel: Emilie! I've been looking for you.

Emilie: R-Really? And why is that?

Gabriel: The boy, give him to me.

She hesitated a bit, but then wrapped her arms around him, trying to distract him

Emilie: Surely I could interest you in something else, my love?

Gabriel: Wife, you are the most lovely, but you can't distract me like that this time. You've enjoyed him for long enough, give him to me.

Emilie: No, I want to keep him!

Gabriel: Motherhood has made you weak, Emilie. Do you remember what Camilla said? If I let him live, he could destroy us. I've given you too much time with him as it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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