Down In The Underworld

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Marinette floated the flower petals into her hands & hummed softly

Sabine: Marinette! Sweetheart, come here.

Marinette: I'm just finishing up, Mama!

Sabine, goddess of harvest, walked over to her daughter

Sabine: You've been working very hard, so I got you a present.

Marinette: Wait, r-really?

Sabine: It's just this way.

The two walked over to the greenhouse & Marinette looked it in awe

Marinette: Oh my god! Is this greenhouse really for me?!

Sabine: Absolutely. You earned it, my darling. Now, don't just stare at it. Go ahead & take a look inside.

Marinette: Okay, Mama!

She giggled & ran inside of it, making flowers grow

Marinette: Okay. I'm ready to leave, Mama.

She looked around, suddenly noy seeing an exit way

Marinette: Wait, I can't.. there is no..there's no door! What's happening?!

Sabine: I took the doors away, sweetie.

Marinette: What?! Mama, no! You can't do this! Please, let me out!

Sabine: Marinette, I know this seems cruel, but it's for the best.

Marinette: P-Please don't make me stay in here! I promise to be good!

Sabine: But when you're in here, no one can hurt you. NO ONE!

And just like that, Marinette woke herself up from her dream

Marinette climbed out of the bed & looked at her hair

Marinette: Oh, not again. Stupid hair.

She began fixing it & sighed

Marinette: That was such a weird dream. I was on my own for two seconds & I've managed to wake up in a stranger's bed with no memory of getting here. This is just fantastic. You've really outdone yourself this time, Marinette.

She hugged her knees & whimpered

Marinette: Maybe mom was right. Am I too naive to be on my own?

She looked around & fidgeted with her hands

Marinette: I may be naive, but I'm not stupid. I should be able to find an exit.

She walked down the stairs & reached a tall glass window, seeing shooting stars outside

Marinette: Wow. I've never seen anything like this, before. I wonder how big this place is.

She looked around, noticing an armor helmet

Marinette: Wow, it's an armor helmet! What a great collection!

She shifted her eyes towards the bookshelf, standing on her tip toes to check the books

Winter & SpringOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora