V - Make This Right

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Anntonia plastered on her trademark smile, nodding graciously at the compliments thrown her way. Inside, however, her energy was waning. The constant barrage of clicks and flashes started to blend into a monotonous drone.

She entered the set smiling but her thoughts drifted to her personal life, where the recent argument with Irfan lingered heavily in her mind. Their communication had been reduced to phone calls and chats, an obvious reminder of their dwindling connection amidst their busy schedules. She also couldn't shake off the feeling that Irfan had become increasingly selfish.

The memory of their last conversation echoed in her mind:

"Hey, babe, Arthur invited me for a last-minute trip to Ibiza. Think I can join them?" Irfan's voice crackled through the phone.

Anntonia's heart sank. "But I thought we planned to go there together once my schedule clears up?"

Irfan's response was sarcastic and dismissive. "That won't be anytime soon. Look, let's discuss this later, okay? We have dinner with my family tonight."

Anntonia sighed, feeling the weight of their strained relationship bearing down on her. "About that... this shoot is running behind, I might not be able to make it."

Irfan's frustration was evident. "Seriously? You're canceling for this? It's just a shoot."

"Actually, it's not just about this shoot," Anntonia replied, her voice tinged with frustration. "I don't feel comfortable about a lot of things recently... This constant back and forth, meeting your people but never having our time alone, your last-minute trips... I can't keep rearranging my life for you."

The silence that followed was tense, the air thick with unspoken words. Finally, Irfan spoke, his tone hardened. "We'll figure it out if you just come by later."

Anntonia hesitated, the weight of her words settling in. "You know, maybe that's not the right approach."

There was a pause, then Irfan's voice, tinged with uncertainty. "What do you mean?"

Anntonia's resolve hardened as she spoke, her voice steady. "Maybe we both need some time to figure things out. On our own."

The model was pulled from her thoughts as she was greeted by the enthusiastic staff.

"Anntonia! You look absolutely gorgeous girl! How can I steal your style?"

The model replied with an answer she had practiced few times earlier. "Well, this dress is a vintage Chanel Haute Couture, actually. A true treasure I found on a recent trip to Paris. And the earrings, hmm... recent acquisition from my favorite jeweler, Boucheron. Quatre collection."

Seconds passed and Anntonia was distracted by a movement on the door, a flicker of recognition catching her eye. For a brief moment, she thought she saw someone familiar slipping out, their figure disappearing into the bustling city streets beyond.

Her heart skipped a beat as she strained to catch another glimpse, but the moment had passed, leaving her with nothing but a nagging sense of curiosity.


The room had nearly emptied by the time Michelle got back. The once active space was now quiet, save for the diligent cleaning staff tidying up after the day's chaos. Michelle's smile faltered as she took in the scene, her eyes darting around the room for any sign of Anntonia.

"Where is everyone? Anntonia?" Michelle's voice echoed through the near-empty room, the disappointment evident in her tone. Niana, seated in a corner, looked crestfallen, her disappointment mirroring Michelle's own.

A young assistant emerged from behind a rack of clothes, her expression flustered. "Oh, Ms. Anntonia's team wrapped up early," she explained, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "They had some unforeseen scheduling conflicts."

Michelle's mind raced with frustration "Bullshit." This wasn't an unforeseen conflict; it was a forgotten promise. The disappointment etched on Niana's face only fueled her determination.

"It's okay," Niana mumbled softly, her voice barely audible above the room's hushed atmosphere.

"Come on, let's go home." Michelle said.

"I just have to use the restroom."

"I'll wait for you outside."

As Michelle exited the building, her eyes caught sight of a familiar red sports car in front – Anntonia's car. A surge of frustration and determination surged through her.

Without a second thought, Michelle made her way towards the car, her footsteps quickening with each step. As she reached the vehicle, she couldn't contain herself any longer. With a mixture of anger and desperation, she pounded on the window.

The window slid down, revealing Anntonia's startled expression, a mixture of confusion and surprise.

"Michelle? What are you doing here?" Anntonia's voice wavered with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Michelle's anger spilled forth like a flood. "YOU!" she exclaimed, her voice cutting through the air. "You're so caught up in your own little world of fame and glamour that you can't even remember the people who support you. It's pathetic."

Anntonia's confusion was evident as she tried to make sense of Michelle's outburst. The accusation stung, catching her off guard.

"What are you talking about?" Anntonia's voice held a hint of bewilderment.

Michelle scoffed, her disbelief palpable. "Didn't your 'team' bother to remind you about Niana? She was looking forward to meeting you up close and personal, the girl traveled and waited for hours to see you!"

Anntonia glanced nervously at her manager sitting in the car, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Chris interjected, genuinely apologetic. "Oh no! I'm truly sorry, I completely forgot about that message Nicha asked me to pass on to you," he confessed, visibly troubled by the unfolding chaos.

But Michelle was beyond apologies at this point. She had witnessed the heart-wrenching disappointment on Niana's face, and no amount of excuses could erase that.

"You know what, Anntonia? Maybe all that glitters isn't gold. Maybe behind that expensive car and designer clothes, there's nothing but a self-absorbed, heartless shell. A few minutes to fulfill a simple dream for a teenage girl who adores you – is that really too much to ask?" with that, Michelle stormed away.

Anntonia stood motionless, the crushing weight of her actions pressing down on her while Michelle's words hung heavy in the air. She felt a seething tempest of guilt, rage, and frustration inside of her. She was too busy with work, too preoccupied with her personal problems that she forgot to fulfill one's simple wish. She might have been failing in her relationship but there's no excuse to ruin another commitment. Was she truly nothing more than a self-absorbed facade, hiding behind the trappings of fame and fortune?

However, in the middle of her emotional turbulence, a glimmer of resolve appeared in her.

"Clear my schedule tomorrow," she instructed, her voice firm with determination. "I have to make this right."


AN: Longer chapter than usual, my treat for you loyal readers as I venture into the unknown. Jk! I'll be off the grid for a few days, but I have all the intention to continue this story. Just wanna say thank you for reading my work and I would really love to hear from you also. All love!

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