Începe de la început

"The Mayor is right. We need to stay calm an-" The Sheriff Tom Keller was cut in between by the loud booming voice of Clifford Blossom.


The Mayor and Sheriff shared a look before sighing in frustration and before one of them could say anything a deep voice interjected.

"Tut-tut, still the same Clifford, Spoiled, Loud and a Brat, Haven't changed your attitude in all these years, huh..."

The dominating voice of Hiram Lodge resonated in the room as he took a step ahead with Hermione holding on to his left arm and his right arm around Veronica's shoulder.

"Hiram Lodge..."

Once again, a hushed murmur swept through the room, the air heavy with anticipation and unspoken tension. Amidst the crowd, a few pairs of eyes locked in an unyielding gaze.

After many years, a group of individuals found themselves face to face once more, their paths converging in a moment of unexpected reunion.

Though some had crossed paths almost everyday in the intervening years but it was the first time in ages that they found themselves gathered together in the same space.

Memories, both fond and painful, flooded their minds, each glance exchanged laden with the weight of years gone by.

In the silence that enveloped them, countless unspoken words hung in the air, carried on the currents of familiarity and change.

For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as they drank in the sight of one another, their eyes betraying emotions too complex for words.

"Hah, Hiram Lodge, I would've said it was good to see you again but I do not like to lie, by the way, I heard that Lodge industries was facing some crisis? How are you holding up, Lodge..." sneered Clifford as both men stared each other down and the temperature in the room dropped further down.

Everyone knew that Hiram Lodge was a man not to be trifled with but Clifford Blossom was a very dangerous man as well.

"Now-Now, let's not engage ourselves with criminals, my dear..."

Came the purring voice of Penelope Blossom as she stepped ahead putting her gloved hand on Clifford's shoulder and glanced at the Lodge's with an expression of disdain, though, her eyes seized up Hiram Lodge for a little longer than necessary before she looked around the room with an expression of disdain as if everyone was beneath her.

"Umhmm, we do not need to associate ourselves with the incestuous family who murders their own blood, Mi querido."

Mi querido - My dear

The smooth voice of Hermione echoed in the room as she held a smirking Hiram's hand and shot a sarcastic smirk to the fuming Blossoms and led her family to another side.

And before another brawl could start, the only sane person in Riverdale, spoke...

" Okay enough everybody. Can we please calm down and think of a solution to get out of this room and first things first, how the hell were we brought here from different locations? Like it was a snap, like magic and above all why are we even here..."

The comforting voice of Fred Andrews calmed everyone down and made them see reason in his words and looked around the room whispering to each other, when a sudden robotic voice startled them.

" Well Said, Mr. Andrews. As expected of the only sane man in Riverdale."

"Excuse me, who are you and how do you know me? Why are we even here?" questioned a frustrated and anxious Fred and soon other voices joined him and started yelling questions and demanding to be let out...

𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐀 | ʀɪᴠᴇʀᴅᴀʟᴇ | 𝚆𝚃𝚂Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum