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"I don't expect you to come here," Riki said as he came closer towards her. It's Saturday and he has nothing to do so he decided to get some fresh air and he texted her to meet up.

Minjae moved a bit to give space for him to sit beside her. It's really not like her to talk to boys but Riki makes her feel comfortable. "Of course I would come.. we made a promise, remember?" She slightly pouted.

Cute. Riki giggled, nodding to her words. "Is everything okay at home?" He asked first, looking up at the blue sky. Today's weather is nice.

"Um.. I got scolded by my mom yesterday." She sighed.


"I forgot to do the house chores. It's not because I'm lazy! I'm just.. tired from school but she wouldn't understand. I know I should be scolded but her words were pretty harsh.."

"Ha Minjae! How could you sleep right now? Didn't you know how to cook?" Her mother slammed the door open, startling Minjae from her short nap.

She glanced at the clock, it's almost 9pm. She forgot to cook dinner because she fell asleep right after coming back from school. "I fell asleep.."

"Your brother is hungry and hasn't eaten anything yet. What's so tiring about going to school? You just need to study! Is it that hard to cook for your family?" She scolded Minjae from the door.

"Mom, that's not it—"

"Do I need to do everything?! I went out to work to earn money for this family but this is how you repay me? Why are you so lazy?" She glared at Minjae before shutting the door back, leaving Minjae with tears spilling out from her eyes.

"That's what happened.." Minjae rubs her hands together, staring at the ground. Why is it so hard to be a perfect daughter?

"She shouldn't say that. Saying you shouldn't feel tired going to school because you just need to study is ridiculous. We use our brains and energy at school. The brain works all day. That's why we're tired and need some sleep."

"I know right? I really can't understand her. I can't understand adults at all.." she hates it when adults think they're always right. Just because they're older, doesn't mean they're mature. She can't say anything back because it's talking back to them. They act like they know better when they know nothing.

"I'm the top student in my school." Riki said. It's his turn now to tell something about him.

"Really?! You're so smart.." Minjae gasped. "I have never been at the top. I always rank between 10 to 20."

"What? That's literally the top! You're smart too," How could she say she had never been at the top? At his school, everyone who placed in the top 50 is considered smart.

"Maybe they're the top rank for you and people at school but not in my parent's eyes. They expected me to get at least 3rd place. 10th place? It's nothing to them. I used to get one of the best grades.. but because of one mistake.. They turned a blind eye to the other subjects with the best mark on. It's really hard to make them proud of me." Minjae explained. They called her lazy for not getting 3rd place. 'If someone can get the top 3, why can't you?' That's what they said.

She's in the same situation as me. Riki looked at her with sympathy. He probably can handle the pressure of making his father proud of him but Minjae.. She looks fragile and can break down at any moment. If he didn't ask her to tell him any problems she had, would she tell the problems to others? Or will she keep it to herself?

"They might think it's not the best you could get but I think the opposite. I'm so proud of you, Minjae."

Riki doesn't know how people's words can affect her even in the slightest. It's her first time knowing someone proud of her. She thought she didn't put enough effort and she didn't deserve to get a compliment but a compliment from Riki makes her feel happy. She wants people to compliment her more.

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