"Texted Ties Unraveled"

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Through texts,
our story began,
From a humble home,
he took his stand.
Tall and dark,
a soul untold,
No ID to claim,
yet my heart he'd hold.

Once a farmer,
tilling the soil,
My family objected,
turmoil and foil.
But I fought for him,
against their decree,
A love born in text,
a choice to be free.

A daughter, Zyra,
a symbol of our bond,
Acceptance granted,
but then he abscond.
Work neglected,
replaced by chance,
Gambling and basketball,
Nlife's reckless dance.

Family no longer
a priority,
A betrayal revealed
in his chosen fraternity.
Swapped for a woman
with children and a spouse,
Love turned to heartache,
a broken house.

Oh, had I known
his hidden truth,
I might have spared
my love, uncouth.
Defended against family,
love misplaced,
His true colors shown,
and love effaced.

No help offered,
no hand to hold,
He preferred the company
of friends, bold.
Regrets linger
for the love I gave,
A texted tale of how
hearts can misbehave.

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