Chapter 4

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Beautiful architecture and agriculture covered the Wakandan city, but Bucky and Natasha had been taken right past it. The prison was Natasha’s only interest. If Zemo had any idea where Novikoff was then she could start drawing up a map of where to look first. Vienna could be anywhere and to find that needle in the haystack of the world meant Natasha needed to burn as much of the straw as she could.

They had rules set out for them. Things they could and couldn't tell Zemo. Things they could and could not do to him. Hearing them, Natasha knew that they were reasonable rules. Zemo may have been their King's killer but the Wakandans were humane and good people. But, there was an itch in the back of her mind that reminded the Black Widow of her impatience. It was stupid to be so agitated. She was hunting for Vienna, doing everything she could, but still, it wasn't fast enough. Natasha had her sister in her hands in Siberia, and now she was gone again. Just as far away as she had been for the last twenty years.

Bucky tapped her shoulder to gain her attention again in the dark corridor outside of the cell. She had been nodding along with whatever the Dora Milaje had been telling them, zoned out but listening.

“You ready?” Bucky asked, his voice quiet as the Dora Milaje officer opened the cell door for them.

“Yeah,” Nat nodded, regaining her focus as his voice pulled her out of her trance.

“Okay,” he said, letting her go in first.

The room was clean and well lit though no source of the light could be seen. Walls black and sleek and a single vibranium table sat in the middle of the boxy room, sat at that was Baron Helmut Zemo.

“James,” he mused in his calm and manipulative tone as he sat back in the metal chair he was strapped to. “Did you miss me?”

“Can't say I have,” Bucky said dryly, dragging one of the metal chairs out from the table to sit beside Natasha.

“And the Black Widow,” Zemo said, a little surprise in his tone as he had a minor staring contest with her. “To what do I owe the pleasure of entertaining the dead?”

“Novikoff.” Natasha got straight to the point as she sat back in her chair, watching him, unblinking, as she studied his every movement and expression.

“The scientist?” Zemo asked, raising an eyebrow at her as he glanced over at the stony scowl on Bucky’s face.


“What about him?”

“Where is he?”

“Why would I know that?” Zemo asked, shrugging as much as he could in his restraints.

“Well if you don't, there's no reason for us to be here,” Nat shrugged, the chair scraping along the floor as she stood.

“Why do you want to know?” Zemo shuffled in his chair, unable to move much as he watched Natasha lean over the table. “I wouldn't think Novikoff had anything to do with you, more with him.”

“Do you know or not, Zemo?” Bucky sighed, frustrated by the back and forth. “We know damn well that you learned everything there is to know about the Soviet Super Soldier Cold War project. You have to know where Novikoff’s labs are now.”

“Maybe I do know where it is,” Zemo said, tilting his head to the side, “Why should I tell you?”

“Because she asked nicely.” Bucky said with a sarcastic smile as he crossed his arms over his chest.


“Start talking or I'm going to show you exactly why you should've answered the second I asked.” Natasha’s tone was harsh, impatient. She wasn't in the mood to be a hero and if she had to rely on her training, she would.

“Nicely,” Zemo repeated, keeping his eyes on the glaring Widow and only glancing briefly at Bucky. “Take me with you, I'll get you there.”

“Not a chance,” Bucky snapped before Nat had the chance to.

“Give me five minutes,” Natasha said, looking over at Bucky as her hands rested wide on the table, “I'll get him talking.”

“Nat,” Bucky warned, knowing they weren't allowed to actually hurt Zemo.

“You don't need all your limbs, do you?” Natasha growled through gritted teeth, a haze of anger clouding her mind like it hadn't in a long time.


“So desperate to find the scientist,” Zemo said, his breathing heavier but he maintained eye contact with her, “Why?”

“She's looking for someone, what do you think Zemo,” Bucky snapped, uncrossing his arms and sitting forward in case he had to catch Natasha. He knew she was capable, Zemo would die but the Dora Milaje were right outside and watching. “Just tell us where the labs are. You've got nothing else to do.”

“More super soldiers?” Zemo asked, looking between them with a slight jitter in his gaze. “The twins? Nikolai Krylenko and Laynia Petronova?”

“What do they have to do with Novikoff?” Natasha asked, the link to Vienna through them interesting her.

“Oh, don't know much about this then,” Zemo hummed until Bucky had to grab Natasha’s wrist to stop her lashing out at him. “They were raised there. He activated their mutant genes and handed them off to the Russian Federation when they were ready.”

“So if you won't tell us, they will,” Natasha said, straightening herself up as she turned to Bucky, making a show of being disinterested in Zemo. “Great, that should be easier.”

“Yeah,” Bucky nodded, slapping his hands down on his thighs as he stood up, playing along perfectly, “Laynia can be very reasonable.”

“Wait,” Zemo said quickly, sitting forward in his restraints. “If I tell you, promise me, you'll take him out.”

“You're an idiot if you think I'd ever let Novikoff go,” Natasha said darkly, turning back to him as Bucky reached the door.

“He's in the far Eastern region, the northern sector,” Zemo said, looking up at her almost pleadingly. If there was one man to blame for super soldiers in the modern world, it was Novikoff.

A quick nod and a sharp knock on the door. Natasha had somewhere to start looking.

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