"Here you are. May I interest you in any drinks before your waiter comes by?"

Maia nods her head and smiles as she takes a seat. Her table was right next to a window, she took a mental note on where they placed her. This was something that her readers asked for a lot in their suggestions.

"I'll have a water. Thank you, Chuck."

"It is my pleasure madam."

He walks off and within seconds comes back with a fresh glass of ice cold water.

"Your waiter will be out shortly. Please, enjoy your stay."

Maia nods her head and smiles at the man. She then decides to take a look at the menu finally.

She was interested in the chefs special, which was the prime rib with the chefs signature sauce that everyone loved.

She decided to get asparagus as her side and a glass of rosé to top it off.

Normally she would order more, but with the hospitals new bills. She was lucky enough to add this to her expenses.

The waiter finals comes by and surprises her. None of the critics ever names dropped and she was not prepared for this.

It was Manu Daniels, the ex boyfriend that had gained access to Maia's new phone.

"Hello, how you doing this fine- Maia? Oh my gosh is that you? How are you? How you been?" Manu says as he comes in his uniform.

Maia looks anywhere except him. Her face grows red, and she clears her throat.

"Do you think I can get anyone else? I can move sections if possible..."

"What? Nonesense, I'm afraid everywhere else is very busy. I promise to keep it professional. But what do you think? Like the job?"

Maia shakes her head and finally looks up at him.

"You look beautiful by the way. Gosh, it's like you haven't changed a bit. You still working at that store? What was it..."

"Doesn't matter, no... matter of fact I have a full time job now. So..."

"Oh wow, look at you. Finally got your big girl job. What are you a writer now like you always wanted to be."

Maia nods her head but rolls her eyes.

"I see you haven't changed much."

Manu shrugged his shoulders.

"What can I say, don't fix anything that doesn't need it."

"Can I just order now?"

"Well of course, what can I get for you?"

The rest of the night went poorly, the food was excellent, the servers were nice, the atmosphere was amazing, the lighting could have been better. But what really frustrated Maia was the fact that her server was her ex boyfriend.

Manu comes by with the check and winks at her.

"Hey, uh. A few of my buddies are having a party tomorrow night, if you want to swing by. Would love to see a familiar face."

Maia shakes her head as she puts her credit card in the check.

"I, I have a boyfriend... so."

"Ah! Perfect, he can come along too."

"Eh, I-"

"You'll think about it? Great! I'll text you the address. I'll be right back with this. Try not to miss me too much."

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