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(Since there is no time estimate to this show, I will just put in what fits for this story. By now you can tell it isn't exactly like the show lol.)

A few months goes by, and Maia has finally developed a system that works as a cashier. Although, some of the methods she used would end up being an issue once Carmy found out... she was never properly trained, so that would be her excuse in the future.

Maia watched Sydney prepare a dish she wanted Carmy to add to the menu. Maia was proud of her friend, she was really making a name for herself in this establishment.

While she was putting on the finishing touches, their dishwasher gets their attention.

"When you guys are done with your containers, please take off the tape. It takes 2 seconds to take it off, other wise it gets impossible to take off by the time I get to it."

Maia looked over at the other chefs, because she hardly ever worked on the containers. But nodded her head anyway. All the employees even Carmy say "yes chef"

"Thank you for your time."

Maia looks over at Sydney, and she nods her head.

"I'm going to go talk to him."

"Go get him tiger. Stay strong, I got your back." Maia says as she hypes Sydney up and pats her back as she walks over to him.

Maia watches as she converses with Carmy.

"Here, chef I think my new dish is ready."

"Great. Can we look at it later."

"It's what we were talking about earlier." Sydney ignores Carmys talking making him visibly upset.

Maia bit her lip as she saw how Carmy was getting impatient by the minute.

"Later is better chef."

Carmy disengages from the conversation for a second, looking over at the other chefs who were prepping for the day.

"It's great to go." Sydney says, causing Carmy to focus back on her again.

"Are you saying risotto to-go to me? I'm barely convinced it's ready to go at all."

"I'm saying that dine in and dine out are basically the same thing.. we should try it. I can give you a taste of it.."

"Chef, listen to me. I'll think about it. And you need to slow down."

Maia could see the confusion in Sydney's eyes, and that's with she decided to walk over to them.

Maia could hear Sydney talking about how Chef called other restaurants about her working there.

"Is everything alright here?"

"Oh great, you brought back up? Chef, everything is fine. Please just, focus in the main area for now. This is a private conversation between chef and I."

"But chef. You should really try her dish, she's been working very hard on it-"

"Maia, I understand that. But now is just not the time, now please go, before I lose my shit." Carmy says to Maia as he turns over to look her in the eyes.

Maia sighs and nods her head.

"Yes chef..."

After the conversation, Carmy goes outside with Richie and Natalie Carmys sister. While the other chefs were preparing for opening. Natalie expresses concern over unpaid taxes making another mess that Carmy and Natalie have to fix for the restaurant.

Maia notices Sweeps and Marcus talking to each other and since she already finished her side work before they opened decided to talk with the guys.

"Hey fellas, what's going on?"

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