Blue Boy

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"Why so many puzzles!?"

You say as you pull out a metal platform floor and cross, you shot your blue hand at the power source and walk the path. The blue glowing wire giving electricity to the poles as you go. You hit another power source with your red hand and let go of bot power source as the make a friend machine starts up.

You go back down and pull the lever for the toy parts and then you wait as the make a friend machine does it's thing. You were mildly creeped out by the eyes of the machine, I mean they were just there. Staring, like if they had a soul, which you already knew they did.

"Doesn't make them any less creepy... Why did we design these like this?"

You waited at the end, taping your foot as the machine seemed to take ages, a little Catbee toy finally came through the conveyer belt and headed towards you. You grabbed the toy and put it on the pedastul and let the machine scan it, the door opened, you grabbed the toy and kept moving but you stopped.

There was a tail with a rattle on the end of it sticking out behind a door. The tail pulled back into the door and it closed behind it, you walked closer, it reminded you of when Huggy's arm was pointing out on a wall only for him to pull it back once you got closer.

You walked closer to the door and turned the handle but then Huggy Wuggy emerged from the darkness of the hall in front of you. You scrambled back

"Holy shit!- WHEN HE'D GET HERE!?!"

You ran back as sirens blared, and red warning lights flashed on and off, you went into a conveyer belt vent and ran. Taking a sharp left turn after running straight as Huggy Wuggy followed from a separate vent. You took left's and right's as you tried to get away from Huggy to avoid dying.

Then right as you were about to run through another vent the shaft door closed, you went to turn right but Huggy Wuggy was coming from that way and headed straight towards you. You pounded on the door.

"Mother Fucker! Open you massive asshole!"

Once Huggy Wuggy was only 2 feet away from you, the door opened but not a lot, you crawled underneath as the slow door opened wide enough for Huggy to fit through. He was gaining on you, and you were slowing down due to exhaustion, then you slid down the vent which lead to a different part of the factory.

The door shut behind you, you looked around thinking of what to do but that was interrupted by the sound of Huggy banging on the metal door. You noticed a big box and used your grabpack to try and pull it down, as soon as Huggy broke through and rushed at you with a screech like roar, the box finally gave away and fell.

Hitting Huggy Wuggy and breaking the platform making both of you fall to the one underneath. Huggy, had been draped over the railing, slid off of the rail and fell, hitting the metal poles on his way down. You looked over.

"Damn... Feel bad man but you are a huge dick."

You walked across the platform and towards the flower, you saw that same tail out of the corner of your eye but picked up the pace.


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