Important Changes

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    Clyde was hailing a taxi so he could go home to his brick house after a day of work at the accounting firm. When a taxi picked him up, the woman in the driver's seat steers the car away and continues driving until the sun sets in the city.
   Fifteen minutes after she picks him up, he's asking why they're headed in the wrong direction. She whispers, ' This is a shortcut that I know, to avoid rush hour traffic...', the car stops at a rusting steel warehouse that has boarded windows and graffiti covering its walls. The fence around the property is rusted, several holes cut open in the fencing, and the sickly appearing trees show the adaptations of resilient nature.
   The warehouse covers ten acres by itself, the two parking lots covering another four, and they park outside the warehouse. She opened the door for me and told me that we're here for the purpose of buying some marijuana for both of us to smoke.

    I get out, and she pointed a pistol into my shoulder, telling me to walk inside the building. The derelict door opens, and we walk through a thin corridor for a few minutes, and we stop inside a waiting room with mildew spots on the wall. The heavy rotation of a stalling fan grinds  inside the ceiling. Somehow, I'm feeling anxious about this building, the dilapidated ambiance permeating through the air.
   Soon, the woman tells me that the door is opened, and she walks behind me, pushing me into one of the rooms in a second hallway. She wants me to strip out of my clothes and sits on my dick while we have vigorous sex, I creampied inside of her.
   We walk out of the room,down the hall, and she leaves me in the nude.A woman leads me into a room, and places four tubes inside me; one on each nipple, and one on each ass cheek. A pipe touches my balls, and she nods at me.

   ' This will hurt you, but afterward, we'll give you a case worker to help you learn how to adjust to this life. The tubes will help expand your curves, and the tube exists to empty your nuts.' A dull whining starts,and my nuts are sliced open. My ass and pecs expand, swelling as a thick grease runs through the pipes and into my body. I stand there, screaming in horror as my body is edited into becoming busty.
   After what feels like eternity,I  glance over at the rusty wall and on a rusted hook, there's a shiny looking outfit and a pair of blue heels that are sexy as hell, but I lack my balls so I can only get hard.
   The machinery halts, and I am released to put the clothes on and the heels. The latex bodysuit is long sleeved and footed. It's a few sizes small, yet it feels tight on my skin, I bend over and put the high heels on my feet. A tool places a plastic lip thing on my lips, and it seals itself, sticking to my skin. The room is opened, and I stand in shock, my ass and tits jiggle as I shift my body to try and get the tight fabric to fit over my body. A machine places a set of fake eyelashes on mine.

   I stumble to the door, which opens, and a female stranger stands next to the woman who had me placed within the room. The first woman introduced me as "Cynthia, and this is Aimee, who is going to be your case worker. You'll live together in a single room apartment that has no rent. Follow me to enter your apartment, and listen to Aimee's directions if you seek to be relocated.'
   Aimee holds my hand, and we walk, my insecure feet cramped within the high heels, we ultimately are let into a room with a single bed, one closet built into the wall, a toilet, a shower a sink and a table that was near an oven.

Aimee informs me that we're going to live in the room until I acclimate myself to the new body that I wield so that when I'm permitted to leave the compound, I'll know how to act in my new role in life.

feminization of Clyde to Cynthia Where stories live. Discover now