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This is the real Chapter 25 guys ✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾


Y/n_underc0ver: Let's guess who paid 🤔 @reallyicespice

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Y/n_underc0ver: Let's guess who paid 🤔 @reallyicespice

reallyicespice: wasn't me 🌚
----Y/n_underc0ver: Oh we know bookie
-------reallyicespice: do you want to fight!?
-----------Y/n_underc0ver: do you want to pay me back?
----------------reallyicespice: you win. 😻

kk2times_: Like how I wasn't included
-----Paigebsfinsta5: Like how I wasn't asked if I wanted anything
--------Y/n_underc0ver: @kk2times_ do you got money to be included!?
------------kk2times_: 🤐

The twins had managed to fit in very well and I was loving it. That was less babysitting that I had to do. Yesterday while I was sleeping I guess everyone decided to go out to dinner the following day. I on the other hand would not be going, I had too much to do and I was overwhelmed already.

"Come on sissy, please come with us" Isla begs as she lays on my bed. I sigh. "Isla I already said no" She clearly didn't like that answer. "You hate me don't you, just say that" she pouts. I look at her. She's 17 going on 7. "Okay fine, but if I don't get my essay done one of you is going to die." I rolled my eyes. Isla instantly starts cheering very loudly. But little did she know I was being serious. I never was one to let my academics slip not even for a night out, but I'm not gonna be a party pooper. I only get to see my siblings every few months.

"Now that I said yes can you please get out and let me try to get something done" I rolled my eyes. Isla surprisingly listens without any fuss. It's about 1 pm and they want to go out around 8 giving me 5 hours to do work and 3 to get ready. Get ready not only included me but my siblings too. They'd lose their heads if they weren't attached to their shoulders and had a very bad habit of showing up hours late. They definitely got that from our dad.

Sadly I couldn't focus on my essay. I got a good chunk done, but after a few hours, I was tired of typing. I'll just have to finish the essay another time. I get up from my desk walking out of my room. My apartment was empty? I guess the twins decided to give me some quiet time which I appreciated. I have enough time to straighten my hair, so I'll just do that and go ahead and get dressed. Right as I was getting out my blow dryer I got a Facetime call from a certain blonde. "Yes Paige" I answer. "Hello my queen" she responds making me laugh. "I thought you were doing your work?" she asks as I set up my phone on the bathroom sink. "got done fast" I mumble making her nod.

Straightening my hair didn't really take long, but somebody was being bothersome. "P stop looking at me like you want to eat me" I laugh. "But I do want to eat you," she says. I could tell she had a smirk on her face without even having to look. "Stop playing with me," I say finishing up my last piece. "I'm not playing, let me come over really quick before we go to dinner." she pleads. I think about it for a second, "yeah but hurry" I say making her smile. She shuffles around for a minute before rushing out of the house and hanging up the phone. I just laughed at her, but I realized I might regret this. If I sweat out my hair I'm going to be highly upset.

It didn't take long for Paige to arrive at my house. The second I opened the door she was all on me. "Danm what happened to Hey how are you" I giggled as she guided me to my room. "No time" she mumbles before kissing me again. But as you might guess, before we could get any farther I got a phone call from none other than my sister. Me and Paige groan in unison. Every time we try to get busy one of these meddling children gets in the way.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Where's Paige" me and Paige look at each other.

"Right here why?"

"KK you owe me $10, I told you that's where she was going," Ice says. Paige rolls her eyes before hitting the hang-up button.

"Now back to what I was doing" she huffs making me laugh.


"Okay, Paige you need to get up," I say shoving the blonde off of me. "No" She whines. "We have to get up" I complain. She was a different type of stubborn. She refused to move and we both needed to get dressed. After a few more complaints she finally gets up. "What time is it?" She asks. "It's 5:30 meaning you need to hurry up and get back to your apartment," I tell her.

"Who said I wasn't gonna get dressed here?"


"I brought my clothes with me" she smiled skipping out of my room. She leaves out the door coming back a few minutes later with a bag. "And I'm staying the night"

"You're clingy"

"Am not"

"You are"




I roll my eyes at her. I called my sister to see what they all were up to. "The twins must've gotten dressed before they left my apartment," I ask. I was expecting them to return but they ended up staying with KK and Ice. "Yeah, we did" I heard Isaiah yell in the background. There's no telling what they've gotten into. "Okay well, we'll see you guys there," I say hanging up. "Azzi and Nika said they're already on the way," Paige says from my bathroom. She's been in there for entirely too long.

"Paige, can you move a little faster?" I ask as I wait by the front door. I was starting to get impatient. "You better not be making a TikTok" I rolled my eyes. As if on cue I heard music start playing. I just shake my head. She needs to get it together immediately. After a few more minutes she comes out of the bathroom.


This outing wasn't that bad. It was actually really nice. It was the entire team, a few close friends, Tatum, and then me and the twins. It was so many of us they ended up having to put a few tables together. I was sitting between Paige and Aubrey. I've met Aubrey once or twice and she's pretty cool. Honestly, everyone on the team was pretty chill. Tatum was sitting next to none other than Ayanna. Whatever those two had going on I'd just stay out of it. After we all ordered our food that's when the drinking started. Considering only like 1/4th of the table was legally able to drink we didn't have to worry about who was driving home. Not that I was planning on getting drunk or anything but I'd prefer not to drive after all of this.

"You should try it" Paige passes me her glass. "What is it?" I ask. "Dirty Shirley temple" she smiles., "What happened to Ms.I don't drink," I ask taking a sip. It was actually pretty good. "When did I ever say that" she raises her eyebrows. "Literally 5 seconds ago" I roll my eyes. Such a liar, and definitely an alcoholic. "Can you like not bite me please" I hear somewhere down the table. I look to my right to see Isla and Isaiah going back and forth with Qadence and Jana. "Sigh, just look at the kids" I nudge Paige, motioning for her to look in that direction. She laughs taking a picture of the four.

"Surprised you and Ice aren't going at it" She jokes. I roll my eyes at her. But as if on queue here comes Ms. Isuneh Brady who thrives off bothering me. "Y/n, why is your head so big," she asks.

"Why is your body so big?"

"You're one to talk look at what you ordered" she points at my plate. I flip her off. "As if your plate is any better you fatass" I rolled my eyes.

"You're right I do have a fat ass"

"A flat ass, but yes!"


"Enough!" Tatum yells at the two of us. "Good grief when are you two gonna act like you love each other" Azzi adds. "Uhm actually she started with me" Which is true. Ice did start with me. Really Paige is to blame because she brought up the fact me and Ice weren't bickering. Every time someone mentions it we end up arguing.

"You guys act like you're in middle school"

"Do not" Ice and I both whine at the same time. "Someone wants to be me," She says making me gag. "ugh as if" I crossed my arms. Tatum ended up making Isla and Ice swap seats so now Ice was on the opposite end of the table from me. I didn't think it was that serious but apparently not everyone is used to petty sibling arguments.

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