Chapter 286

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Where is Yavuz? He's not supposed to be driving right now. He never listens to anyone, not even the doctors.
"Where is Yavuz, Orhun? You just had major surgery, you've been shot and you're tired. The Dr hasn't cleared you to drive."
Taken aback by her stern voice, "Would you like to drive?" Orhun asks.
"You know I don't have a license."
"I can teach you on the way there. Since you are so concerned about me."
- We will crash if I drive.
"No, let's go before we're late!"

"Thank you." She says, as he holds the car door open for her, not taking his eyes off her with that half smirk on his face.
"You know you're very beautiful, right?" He says before closing the door.
A visible smile creeps my face, I know he noticed it.
"Ready?" He asks.
"Are you sure you don't want to call Yavuz to drive us there?"
"I'm fine, I promise. Let us be on our way."

It's a thirty minute drive to the hospital, we've been driving for five minutes and it's been quiet. Besides quick glances at the red light, we haven't said much.
"Did you take your medication this morning? I put it on your bed side table before I left last night. You should have taken it with breakfast. Did you eat?"
"Yes. You don't need to worry about me. I also got the note that you left under the medicine bottle with instructions that said to take one in the morning, with breakfast."
"Oh, that's right. I forgot I wrote a note."

"There's a lot of traffic. Will we be late?"
"Morning commuters. We are almost there, we won't be late."


She seems nervous this morning. I can't tell if I'm making her nervous or she's still shaken by her nightmare she had last night that she didn't want to tell me about.
"Did you sleep good?"
"Yes." She responds.
"Did you eat breakfast?"
"I wasn't hungry."
"Do you want to eat now?"
"No, I'm fine, thank you."
"Hira, you need to take care of yourself. Promise me you'll stop going all day without eating."
"I promise."
She's fidgeting her hands again. Something is on her mind. I know she won't tell me.
Feeling hesitant - he reaches for her restless hands in her lap that are trying to stimulate her nerves.
Holding both her hands in one hand - "whatever has troubled your mind, I am here."
"I know." She responds with a smile.


I don't remember what had me troubled. Your touch is all I needed.
Pulling one hand out from under his hand, she places it in on top - "I'm okay."

"Let me get your door." He says, pulling into a parking space.
"The office is on the second floor, we'll take the... elevator. Maybe we can take the stairs?" Orhun asks.
"The stairs? That'll exhaust you. What's wrong with the... elevator?"
I see.. If his health wasn't at risk we'd be taking the stairs.
"It's fine..."


Orhun gestures Hira into the elevator. He feels her deep breath and knows her mind is flooding with the hateful words and accusations he said to her.
"Why aren't you with him?"
"You know I mean Cihangir."
"Didn't you give up everything for him?"
She doesn't look good. Her eyes are filled with tears, her breathing has become shallow. Look what I've done to her.
"Hira, are you okay?"
Looking hurt and lost in her mind, "I'm fine."
"Have you lost your enthusiasm?"
"Did you go to France to find new adventures?"
Why did I say such awful things to her? I pushed her up against the wall and held her there against her will.
"Don't touch me!"
"Let me go!"
"Stop it!"
My own actions make me sick. I've caused her so much pain and trauma. What kind of fucking monster am I?
"I'm sorry!"
Her eyes filled with tears, a forced smile comes from her face.
"I know the pain I've caused you, I know it's sitting heavy on you. I don't know how to fix it but please, let me in."
"I'm fine, really." She says.
"No you're not. If I can tell that you're trembling, upset and digging your fingernails into the palm of your hand over the phone, than you know I can tell that you're upset, trembling and feeling uneasy when you're in my presence."
"Yes, your hurtful words have deeply wounded me. I relive the trauma you caused me, everyday. But let me reassure you, I won't give up." She tells him.
I cant replace bad memories with good memories. But I can give her good memories where bad memories exist too. She can focus more on the positive memory.
"Close your eyes."
"Why?" Hira asking with a puzzled look.
"Do you trust me?"
"Close your eyes."
With her eyes closed, he runs his hands down her arms, taking one of her hands to his chest and placing it over his heart. He wraps his other arm around her body bring her head into his chest, his fingers running through her hair, he whispers in her ear, "My appalling words, my hurtful actions, they do not define you. I have inflicted wounds upon your soul that I can't take back. Let us be the light, that leads us through the darkness. You are not alone, I will never abandon you. Never again, will hate fill my eyes and mind towards you. Know, I am truly sorry for all the pain and trauma I caused you. I will always hold myself accountable and become the man you deserve."


His touch is gentle, his voice is soft, I can feel the sound of his beating heart in my ears.
Feeling an overwhelming sense of security, they melt into each other like butter.
"We will be okay, I won't give up."

The elevator doors open, letting go of each other, their eyes meet. -
"Let's get that wound checked out, Mr. Demirhanli" Hira says with a smile, grabbing his hand.

"The Dr. will be with you momentarily, wait here." Says a nurse.
I should go over my questions for the Dr. while we wait. I might of forgotten something.
"What did you write down?" Orhun asks.
"Questions I have for the Dr. I'm making sure I haven't forgotten anything."
"Can I take a look?" Orhun asks.
"Of course!"
"You want to know if there will be a scar?"
"I'm just curious." She responds.
"What if there is a scar?"
"Well, we can get scar cream. I'll rub the cream over the scar and it'll eventually reduce.... Or you -
"No! I'd prefer if you rubbed the cream on my scar. I'm actually incapable of doing it myself." Orhun says, leaning into her with a flirtatious voice.
"Can we stop for cream on the way home? Just in case..." Hira says, understanding the tone in his voice.

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