I wanted to be honest - pt. 7

Start from the beginning

"Sorry what were you-" my phone rang

I semi sprinted over to my phone, my ringtone is.. rather loud I'd say. It was an alarm from the previous day, a nap timer. I have too many of those. I turned my phone to do not disturb. I don't want my phone going off in the middle of watching a movie with Neil.

I sat down on the couch and Neil sat next to me, he set down his popcorn and got up to grab the remote next to the TV, he closed the blinds behind it.

Before he sat down he grabbed a fluffy blanket and threw it onto the couch

"Hey do you want a drink before we start?" He said pointing his thumb towards the kitchen behind him.

"Yeah actually, I don't care what though."
He smiled and came back with 2 sodas.
He had a coke and handed me a yf/s (your favorite soda)

"Woah this's actually my favorite?" I take it, pop the tab and take a sip.

He stares at me for a second "are you just saying that?" He turns on the TV and spreads the blanket over both of us

"No I promise I'm not lying. I literally drink these like every day. Like mostly at work too.." I stared at Neil while I slowly sip it once more

He opens his mouth to say something but stopped because a smile took over.

"Nah I'm just messing with you, I know. I stock the soda fridge in the back. I've been getting you yf/s because the 2 that were in there for like a month went missing on your first week. Let me know if you want something else" he said before flipping to a movie streaming app on his TV and shifting a bit on the couch.

I pull up my legs and let them rest beside me on the couch, the blanket wasn't big enough to cover my new position but.. I was.. warm. Enough.

I kind of just stared at him. For like 10 seconds which doesn't sound like a lot to you but like staring at someone for 10 seconds is weird.

I was gonna say something like "that's so sweet" or like "WHAT" but I couldn't pick

He looked at me and looked back to the TV for a half-second before turning to face me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" He asked questioningly, raising an eyebrow

I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off by leaning down a bit and reaching his arm over my lap to spread the blanket all the way over me, his hand rested on my thigh for a split second making me shiver inside.

"There you go-" he like... Whispered but groaned?? Like the sound people make when they bend down to grab something they dropped

He sat back in his spot and turned back to the TV, flipping through the movies

"If you need something y/n, just ask. It's not a problem." He said softly.

I just turned to the TV.

He turned off the lamp on the table next to us making it dark. It started playing and we got a few minutes into it but I wasnt paying attention.

"Um.." I whispered. I hadn't fully decided if I wanted to say what I was gonna say but my brain decided to act. I decided against saying anything but Neil heard me.

"Mhm?" He whispered back, turning his head to look at me once again

After taking a second to put all my thoughts into order...

"Um-m.. could you pause it.. just for a second.. I um.." I said quietly. A voice crack snaking it's way into my sentence.

"Yeah of course, you okay y/n?" He said with a genuine concerned voice. He paused it

"Um I- I just wanted to uh.. I think that it was really.." I fiddled with my hand for a second before taking a deep breath

"Take your time.." he said kindly and in a deeper voice than normal. That one tone that I've only heard like 3 times.

"I just.. I think that it was really nice of you to do all the stuff you've done and are doing.. I really appreciate it and I think you're really kind and.. uh... So.. yeah thank you, Neil." I got quieter and quieter... My voice eventually trailing off.. I looked down and fiddled with my rings again, spinning them around my finger until I was sore

After a moment of silence I looked back up at Neil. He was looking down at me with his big brown eyes, the light from the TV reflecting onto his glasses making his eyes sparkle

"Y/n... I.. um. I wanted to say earlier.. that uh.." His voice shook a bit

He cleared his throat and took a second
"Earlier I wanted to tell you that um.. when.. when I asked you to come with me... I told you that uh.. what I really meant is that.."

He closed his eyes and took my hands from underneath the blanket.

His hands were so warm. It's like drinking warm tea and you can feel it going down your throat and heating up your entire body.

"I.. wanted to be honest with you." He opened his eyes to meet mine

I inched forward slowly

"What if this.. was a date? Scrap that. That sounds terrible. Y/n, how would you feel if when, earlier today, I asked you...I was going to ask you out. Like.. on a date?"

"And I just kind of panicked and I said 'as friends' and um. Sorry. This is all a bit confusing..."

He let go of one of my hands, but with the other I interlocked our fingers. I pulled his arm towards me and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're so sweet. Thank you for asking me. on a date.." i smiled at him, he grasped my hand tighter.

He pushed some hair out of his face and smiled slowly at me. This time even brighter than I've ever really seen him like..

It slowly faded as I watches his eyes trail to my lips and back up to my eyes

"Um. R-right. Thank you, y/n... For letting this be.. a date." He leaned in towards me and kissed me on the forehead.

Tingles ran down my head and down my spine all the way to my fingertips

I could feel myself getting goosebumps (ref)

I pulled his arm around my neck and I cuddled to his side, he moved back enough so I could put my head on his chest, he pulled the blanket completely over me and him, his arm rested around my back and waist, he had pretty long arms. It was so comforting. He gently played with the ends of my hair as the movie played out.

Occasionally I could hear him whispering to himself or humming something really quietly but it wasn't long before.. I couldn't fight against my eyelids.

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