At home kidnapping?..

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{Asch's POV}

"Good job Leif" I said as Leif knocked out the girl with cuts all over her

I think the short one caller her Y/n? I couldn't care less...

"Now what do we do..?" Pierce asked taking a few steps so he was at my side

"I am curious as well, we knocked out the one that could potentially take us to her chambers? So now what?" Rhys questioned

God he talks to much...

But before I could speak I felt something huddle my leg... It was fluffy and grey

"Huh?!" I gasp alloud making them all turn to the thing at my foot

It looked up at me and started walking away before I heard Noi's exited gasp

"We should follow it! It's bad luck not to follow a spirit!!" Noi said as I just sighed

"Peirce grab the one with the cuts, Rhys get the short one..." I grumbled not wanting the spirit to get far..

Peirce, as directed, picked up the girl with all the cuts before I could get a good look at her

Rhys grabbed the shorter girl, both girls picked up easily like they weighed nothing

We followed the spirit mindlessly untill it brought us to a giant building, then led us to a door and sat in front of the door

I grunted as I put my hand up to the door, scorching it within seconds..

"Hehe! Good job Asch!" I heard Noi blurt as I walked in after the spirit

Pierce walked over to a weird bed thing and set down the cut girl, Rhys on the other hand put the short girl down onto the floor

"Leif, go heal the one with cuts.." I said as he teleported to the unknown girl

{Y/n POV}

My head felt like hell.. And my entire body was aching...

I felt like I was in someone's arms.. Like someone was cradling me...?

I open my eyes ever so slightly to see the roof of mine and Ava's appartment? But also the face of a very hot guy... Matter-of-fact one of the guys from earlier..

Dark blue horns and eyes, dark brown hair, and fair skin...

He was really hot.. And I could tell that my face was red, since it was burning so bad..

I was brought into the living room I suppose because I got set down on the couch

I look over to see another one of the boys from earlier but this one was cyan looking, with dark skin, and blackish brown hair

She looks out cold...

I sigh before I feel a dip in the couch...

I, as a reflex, turned my head to see a pale boy with white hair, green horns and eyes, and some freckles here and there

He saw me and winked as he grabbed my arm and pulled me up

God he was hot to...

But to my surprise all the cuts and scars that were once there a second ago, were gone..?

All the aching stopped.?

"What the..?" I ask looking over to the white haired boy

He smiled with his teeth, his teeth were sharp.. Like they could puncture my skin if they even caresed it...

Pierce x Leif x Asch x Reader(smut)Where stories live. Discover now