Unwanted question?

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{Y/n POV}
"where did you get that from..?" I heard a soft voice say

I open my eyes to see them all looking at me

"Uhhh... Get what from?" I ask clearly confused

The orange horned one pointed at my wrist then my face, and I slowly understood..

"The burns?" he asks confused..

"Oh..." I mumble slightly "uhh a freak accident when I was a kid.. I don't really remember it all that well.." I say glancing at the floor

My memory was hazzy up till I was about 7 years old and that's when Ava's dads found me...

"Oh! Do you have any food?" The boy asked

Uhh ye—" before I could speak I got cut off

"Noi it could be poisoned!" the green one yelled

"What?" I ask clearly confused

"Are you trying to poison us or something?!" he asked again

"No? Do you have like trust issues? Were you poisoned or something??" I ask making assumptions

"We should let her sleep, Leif, Noi" they cyan one said turning to the orange horned one

"Oh sorry..." the orange horned one said with some guilt

"No, your ok it takes me a while to get to sleep anyways!" I say not wanting him to feel bad, he was so nice about it

"Your so weak Noi.." the green horned one muttered out

The orange one glanced at the floor and turned away from me

I felt bad but didn't say anything, instead I closed my eyes and waited to sleep...

~A couple hours later~

I woke up and heard a loud noise.. I sound like, a toilet?

I get up and look in Ava's room, she is sleeping..

I turn around and see the demo- daemos.. things sleeping

I started to get confused but then counted them again





I counted mumbling the words like a drunk person

"Wait wasn't there 5?" I say talking more normally...

I walked over to the hallway bathroom and find the door locked..?

He knew how to lock doors...?

I thought to myself before picking the lock

Pierce x Leif x Asch x Reader(smut)Where stories live. Discover now