Chapter:13 Finding

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⚜️POV: Harriet ⚜️

I don't know what to do,I thought coming to New Orleans will give ease to me from my busy schedule but instead I am now in a new mess.

One year ago if I have been in same situation , I would have easily help Elijah without any hesitation but over the year the bond between Elijah and I have became very strong and the thought about losing him hurts me very much. My heart is telling me to be selfish for once and take him somewhere with me where no one can find us with no drama revolve around us but common sense Kick me and it is telling me to help him regaining his memories.This is probably the closest possibility for him to find about himself I can see the desperation in his eyes to find about his memories.

No I can't be selfish ,Elijah always have been in my side even when we know each other for short period of time. Now it's my turn to help him. I don't care what happened after he knows about his old memories but if it make him happy then I will do it.

After the silence for like 10 minutes I told Elijah that

Harriet: I will help you.

He then hugs me really hard and I smile at that

Elijah: I am always be thankful for that.

And he kiss my cheek

Harriet: We have to hurry now we can still track him even if he is a vampire.

He nod at me

At first we decided to find him in closer shops from the spot we have encounter him but there was no sign of him. Elijah starts to get frustrated and then I suddenly get an idea.

Harriet: Elijah how about we draw his sketch so that we can find him and maybe even other residents can identify him too.

He smiles at me and say

Elijah: That a good idea.

He hold my hand and we starts to find a sketch artist and we easily find a one across the street and we go to him.

Harriet: Hey mate can you make a sketch of a hmmm... person.

Artist: I can beautiful just tell me is it you or your brother.

Elijah glare at him when he say that

Harriet: He is actually my boyfriend.

That man chuckle at this and he say

Artist: Oops my bad but if you two ever decided to end things you can come to me and...

Before he can say anymore bullshit and Elijah lose his composure and beat the shit out of him I interrupt him and say

Harriet: Why don't you just draw the sketch or we will find another artist

Artist: hey no need to get angry sweetheart I am just kidding tell me whose sketch I have to make.

Before I can say something Elijah beat me on that and he tried to compel the man and say

Elijah: I will tell you the description of the person and you will just draw him.

The man raise his eyebrow and say

Artist: Are you fbi or something.

Elijah look irritated and mutter

Elijah: fuck

Harriet: We will pay you double amount,do what he told you.

The man smile and say

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