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*THIS is a fictional story made of fantisies* *THIS contains violent and vicious scenes and mostly brutal so if you don't like that stuff then don't read this story!*

Hello! My name is Daniel Dickson! As funny and cursed as it sounds, we come from the Dicks family.

My mom Diane Dickson, divorced my father as she had interest in women instead but her genes will pass on to me to like men instead she didn't keep me because she knew that her ex husband would come after her and kill her so she sadly let her sonsaty with that homophobic creature.

My dad's name is David Dickson, An inspiration cop and a happy loving father OR SO I THOUGHT HE WAS...

I had a secret boyfriend and was going to come out Gay to my father eventually when I turned 19.

One day my dad got to be the leader of the police station but what was about to happen would be the last days I would ever live happy. I finally did it! I had the courage to tell my father but it took a dark turn quickly. Now that you know the story I think it's time for you to read the rest yourself!

Daniel: Hey dad! There's something really important that I have to tell you!

David: What is it son? Are you getting straight A's like you promised you would get?

Daniel: Yes! But there's another major important thing, but I want you to make sure no matter what happens after I say this.. Please don't look at me a different way...

David: You're just overreacting sport! HAH! What could possible be so bad that you did? Your a good kid bud.

Daniel: No! Not bad like crimes and stuff..

David: Then what is it son?

Daniel: Dad... I-im... I'm gay...

David: Nice joke son! You really got me there HAH!

Daniel: I'm.. I-im serious, Dad...

*David's happy and charming face quickly shifts to something angry*

David: N-no.. your lying right! Please tell me your lying! It can't be!

Daniel: I'm telling the truth dad! I've been hiding it for so long.. I just don't know how you would rea-

*Before I got to finish my word my dad yelled at me to go upstairs in a violent way. His skin looks like it's boiling of hatred and anger*

*I quickly run upstairs to my room as my dad looks like he's going to kill me*

*He slaps me 20 times across my face hard wanting to see me suffer*


*I can't belive it's happening to me! This feels like torture as he spits on me and kicks me around abusing every strength I have left in my body as I plead for him to stop but he continues*

*Soon he kicks me as I cough out blood and he slams the door but he said something sinister when he exit*

"NAH, he thinks I'm just going to kick out my only purpose for living in this world huh? I'm going to make him pay.. and suffer... AHAHAHAHA. He wont be mercefully abandoned... I cant lose him!"

*I hear him grabbing something heavy from downstairs as I lock my door in fear as I tried to escape from out my window*

*He smashed my phone already and I live with my dad as an only child so there's really now way to escape now*

*He walks up to my room as I clench in fear but he bangs on my door to unlock it in a desperate tone*

*I refuse to unlock the door as he counts and kicks it down*

*I scream as he lunges towards me strangling me until I pass out*

*He then uses his gloves and ties a knot around my mouth making a homemade gag. He drags me in the basement laughing in an insane tone*

*A day later he quits his job and pretends like his son is missing to avoid suspicious while he tormented me in his basement*

*I wake up with my head hurting and I'm only left in my underwear and socks as I'm tied to a wall with an itchy gag around my mouth*

"AHAHAAHAHAHAH! You thought I was going to let you live out on the streets huh? NO! I can't let you go! You must suffer for everything you took away from me! Since you have a little faggot boyfriend I decided to get rid of contact with him AHAHA!"

"But don't worry my sweet boy.. The torment will get worse until your broken and sad.. Just like you did to me!"

"If you think of escaping, I'll just hunt you down and bring you back to this basement.. Since you like being gay so much, let's see how much you like it when your dad fucks you mercilessly! And don't expect me to stop.. The torture will go on for 8 hours each days until your nothing but a cumdump ragdoll for me to play and torture."

"I'm sorry son.. But it hurts to see me do this to you it really does."

*I moan as I whimper*



*He grabs a tazer and lunges at me*
*I scream in fear as he rapidly runs for me*

*To Be Continued* ;)

My Crazy Homophobic Father (18+ ABUSE)Where stories live. Discover now